
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/09/21 09:23:27

In in more than half centuries development, various countries television entertainment program content and style although have occurred either is deep or the shallow change But took a program shape, the television entertainment program actually throughout is occupying an important position In the 1990s later periods, the entertainment program very quickly on still held the pipa in China's development from "partly to obstruct surface" to enter the "thousand trees ten thousand trees plow furrows to open" the aspect From central station to regional station, even is various columns all has own entertainment program 1998 year the data display nation provincial level television station to hold the entertainment program to have 32, since the city level television station has set up the entertainment program to have 42 1999 years, successively also has 32 television stations to introduce the entertainment program Thereupon we saw the multi-colored television entertainment program, it has become the television program type which the people pursues holds, and undertook the television program entertainment function But our country television entertainment program must base to the localization develops with the humanities concern can have the long-time development space, therefore walks 原创性 the path is our country entertainment program bases the foundation

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