金庸群侠传 王语嫣加入:西瓜,,英语文章

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/16 06:56:18

西 瓜

西瓜(xigua)(Citrullus lanatus)葫芦科,西瓜属。一年生草本,茎蔓生,密生细毛。卷须分两叉。叶柄被长柔毛,叶片灰绿色,3~5深裂,裂片又羽状或2回羽状浅裂至深裂,叶片两面被短柔毛。花单生,黄色。瓠果,大形,圆或椭圆状,表面平滑,皮色浓绿、浅绿、墨绿,常有各种条纹。瓤多汁而甜,深红、淡红、黄色或白色。采种子用的品种,果小味淡,子多而大。性喜炎热、干燥和充足阳光,不耐寒。原产于非洲热带地区,我国除少数寒冷地区外,南北均有栽培。为夏季优良果品,解渴消暑,种子含油,可榨油或炒食。中医学上以瓜汁和瓜皮(称西瓜翠衣)入药,功能清暑解热,利小便。

West Guadalcanal Watermelons (xigua) (Citrullus lanatus) got Section watermelons are. Health herbal year, Jingman Health, the Federated Health and fine fur. Juanxu two forks. Petiole Mrs hair was long, grey green leaves, 3~5 deep bifida, also predicted lobe of a leaf or two back configuration shallow bifida deepest bifida, leaves two were short Mrs hair. Health spending alone, yellow. Gourd fruit, big-shaped, round or oval-shaped, the surface smooth, thick green skin color, light, dark, often various stripes. Pulp of fruit and sweet potatoes, dark red, pale red, yellow or white. Using a variety of seeds, fruit Weidan small, and large multi-son. Sexual Hi hot, dry and adequate sunshine, not cold resistant. Originating in the tropical regions of Africa, except a few of my cold regions, north and south are cultivated. Fruit fine for the summer, thirst heat, oil-bearing seeds can extract oil or Chaoshi. Traditional Chinese medicine, to Guayaquil juice and melon skin (called watermelons Chui clothing) make medicines, functional Qingshu heartburn, and the advantages offered.

