table js表格数据合计:帮我翻译这些东西,在线等,急

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/01 13:27:22
Boot it: Clearing the ball from danger by kicking it up field or out of bounds. The kick usually has no intended receiver and is usually done to relieve pressure in the goal area. Usually yelled by parents (and, some coaches) who believe that soccer is a game of boom ball and who get frantic during a game

Breakaway when an attacker with the ball approaches the goal undefended; this exciting play pits a sole attacker against the goalkeeper in an one-on-one show-down.

Charging a method of unbalancing (using one`s shoulder and arm ) the player who has possession or is attempting to gain possession of the ball

Close down to pressure the player with the ball immediately by getting as close as possible, without letting the attacker get past

Collecting the technique of catching a soccer ball with some part of the body and bringing it under control

Create space move into a new area, sometimes taking opponents with u, allowing a teammate to use the open space just vacated. (space can also be created for yourself by moving away from an opponent or teammate)

Cross a kick into the middle of the goal box, a pass from an attacking player near the sideline to a teammate in the middle or opposite side of the field.

Cut back dribbling the ball backwards, away from the goal, in an attempt to keep possession of the ball

Dive in (to) approaching an opponent rapidly without showing down, usually resulting in the opponent side-stepping and easily avoiding the approach
Down the line a throw-in tactic meaning to throw the ball close to the touch line toward the opponent`s goal rather than toward the center of the field
Dribble running with the ball at the feet and playing it on every step or every other step