
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/01 20:46:34

第一次:在1990年2月10日那天下午2;35分,过程,她是一个刚信6个月的基督徒,有2个孩子,在1990年他儿子5岁,女儿一岁,抱着怀里,2月10日正是正月十五,她一早起来,作祷告,心中非常激动,好像要发生什么事,早饭不想吃,到底要干什么呢?不知道,心却不能平静,她对儿子说:你去叫凌爷爷来,凌爷爷因为他是我们教会的负责人,又有医病赶鬼的恩赐,所以她想叫他来交通(信徒之间的交流),可是凌弟兄却在为一个姐妹祷告,不能来,好不容易等到午饭后,可她还是不想吃,又叫儿子去叫那凌爷爷,可是他还在为那个姐妹祷告,凌兄弟对她儿子说:"叫你妈妈来",她只好把女儿交给邻居抱着她去了.凌兄弟家也有好些信徒在那里,凌兄弟正为那姓时的姐妹祷告,她也看凌兄弟祷告,就在这时,时姐妹开口说话,因为一上午,这时姐妹都没有说话,时姐妹说:"我来是为主做见证的",弟兄子妹听到这话好像不是时姐妹自己,原来时姐妹身上有个灵在支配她,这时在场的人一起跪下祷告,可是这位丢下还在还未吃饭,去找凌兄弟的姐妹,她却不能.她好像不是自己,却站了起来,仰面望天,两手高举分开,手心向上,却仍又坐下,不动,也没有说话,这时弟兄姐妹一起站起来,到她身边,全部手按在她身上,要祷告,可是见她用手轻轻地把他们的手拿下来,还是不说话,好像在等什么,这时那个凌兄弟走过来站在她身边说:"我奉耶稣名,问你:你是什么人" 没有回答,又问:"你是善,还是恶?" 这时开始说:"我是善", 凌兄弟又问:"你是哪位?"答:"我是基督耶稣." 凌兄弟又问:"你真是基督耶稣吗?" 答:"我真的是基督耶稣", 凌兄弟3次问,3次答. 说:我真的是基督耶稣.
凌兄弟又问:"我是什么人?"答:"你是我的精兵". 凌兄弟又问:"我在做什么事?" 答:"你的权柄是我赐给你的." 这时她站起来仰面望天,两手分开举起,手心向上,祷告说:"我的上帝,阿爸父啊!求你垂听子的祷告:子已降临,求你祝福于这里的弟兄姐妹,他背诵主祷文后,主的灵上升了". 就这样主的灵第一次降临了,是在1990年2月10日下午2;35分.

After the seven fallen : First : February 10, 1990 that afternoon 2;35 hours course, she is just a letter six months Christians and two children, in 1990 his son five years old, his daughter was a year old with arms, February 10 is fifteenth day, she up early for prayers, hearts very excited, like to happen, having to eat, What to do? do not know that they are not calm, she said to her son : your aunt away Grandpa to throw Grandpa because he is our head of the church, and medical treatment out of favor ghosts, she wanted to ask him to come to the traffic (exchange between believers), but Ling brothers are in a sister prayer, not to just wait until lunch, she still does not want to eat, called the son aunt Ling Grandpa, but he also pray for the sisters, brothers to throw her son said : "Call your mother", she had to be handed over to the neighbors with her daughter to. Ling brothers are also some followers home where abuse is for the name of the brothers and sisters in prayer and fraternal prayers she can throw, we learned that , sister speak, because one morning, when the sister had said, the sister said : "I have come mainly done witness" brothers son sister heard saying that the time is not his own sister, the original, sisters who have a spirit in her domination, then the presence of the people in forced prayer, but he also left before dinner, go away brothers and sisters. She can not. She seems not own, but stood up, face upward-looking days, dual high separated, palms upward, and still sit down and do not move, did not speak, then brothers and sisters, to stand up to her side, all by hand in her to pray, but see her hand Qingqingdeba their holding down, or not say, like in any other, Then Ling brothers that she has to stand on the side said : "On instructions from Jesus name I asked you : What are you people" did not answer, asked : "Are you good or evil? "At the start, said :" I am a good, "Mrs brother asked again :" Which is you? "Answer :" I was Jesus Christ. "Mrs brother asked :" Do you really Jesus Christ? "Answer :" I really Jesus Christ " Ling brothers 3rd Q, 3rd answer. said : I really Jesus Christ. Ling brother asked again : "I am? "Answer :" You are my skills. " Ling brother asked again : "I do? "Answer :" I give you your office. "Then she stood up face upward-looking days, separated his hands, palms upward, prayer said :" My God, her father's son! Seek your fruitful prayer : son has fallen, seek your blessings on the brothers and sisters here, he recite Lord's Prayer, God's spirits up. " It was so the first night of the spirits, in the afternoon of February 10, 1990 2;35 hours.

