
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/09/21 09:00:55
4. Role simulation: One plays the role of a Chinese businessperson; the other, as a foreign businessperson.
Your role:
You are the sales managers of the Guangzhou Home Textiles Corporation. Your products include towels, bedclothes and curtains. You are now having a talk with an American businessperson about your company, the line of the business and the products, trying to persuade him to buy your products.
Your partner’s role:
You are a novice at the import and export business. This is your first visit to China, You are not sure whether you can close a deal or not. The goods you want to purchase are bedclothes. After going over the catalogues, you find some items very attractive. So you ask a lot of questions.

仿真角色:扮演一个中国企业家. 另外,作为一个外国商人. 你的作用: 你家的销售经理广州纺织公司. 你的产品包括毛巾、窗帘、被褥. 你现在有一个美国商人跟你对公司业务线和产品,试图说服他买你的产品. 对方的作用: 你是新手的进出口业务. 这是你第一次访问中国,你不知道你可以不关闭交易. 你想要购买的商品有被褥. 经过整理,你觉得有些项目很有吸引力. 你这么多问