
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/09/21 09:31:33
I. Introduction
For decades the exchange rate was at the center of macroeconomic policy debates
in the emerging markets. In many countries the nominal exchange rate was often used as
a way of bringing down inflation; in other countries -- mostly in Latin America -- the
exchange rate was used as a way of (implicitly) taxing the export sector. Currency crises
were common and were usually the result of acute (real) exchange rate overvaluation.
During the 1990s academics and policy makers debated the merits of alternative
exchange rate regimes for the emerging economies. Based on credibility-based theories
many authors argued that developing and transition countries should have hard peg
regimes – preferably currency boards or dollarization. One of the main arguments for
favoring rigid exchange rate regimes was that emerging economies exhibited a “fear to
float.” After the currency crashes of the late 1990s and early 2000, however, a growing
number of emerging economies moved away from exchange rate rigidity and adopted a
combination of flexible exchange rates and “inflation targeting.” Because of this move
the exchange rate has become less central in economic policy debate in most emerging
markets. This, however, does not mean that the exchange rate has disappeared from
policy discussions. Indeed, with the adoption of inflation targeting a number of
important exchange rate-related questions – many of them new – have emerged. In this
paper I address three broad policy issues related to inflation targeting (IT) and exchange
rates that have become increasingly important in analyses on monetary policy in
emerging countries.

I. 介绍
在初现的市场中。 在许多国家中名义上的汇率时常被用当做
打倒通货膨胀的方法; 在其他的国家中 -- 大概在拉丁美洲 -- 那
汇率被当作课以税输出品部门的方法使用。 通货危机
是通常的和敏锐的 (真正的) 汇率定价过高的结果通常是。
在 1990 年代期间学者和政策制定者辩论了替代选择的功绩
为初现的经济汇率政权。 基于以可信度为基础的理论
政权 - 宁可通货董事会或 dollarization。 主要争论之一为
支持硬的汇率政权是初现的经济展现一 "恐惧到
飘浮。" 在 1990 年代后期的通货坠毁之后和早的 2000, 然而, 一成长的
有柔性汇率的组合和 "通货膨胀对准。" 因为这一次移动
市场。 然而, 这不意指汇率已经消失从
政策讨论。 的确, 藉由对准的通货膨胀的采用一些
重要的汇率讲的疑问 - 他们之中的许多新的 - 已经出现。 在这
用纸糊我向被讲到对准 的通货膨胀和交换的三个宽广的政策议题发表演说

一、引进 几十年来的汇率为中心的宏观经济政策辩论 在新兴市场. 许多国家的名义汇率通常用作 为了使通货膨胀率降低; 其他国家--主要是拉美-- 汇率作为一种方式(隐含)征收出口部门. 货币危机 常见,通常由于严重(真实)汇率过高. 在90年代的学者和决策者进行实质选择 新兴经济体的汇率制度. 基于信用基础理论 许多作者认为,发展中国家和经济转型国家应努力废除联系汇率 制度最好的货币局或美元. 其中一个主要理由 主张汇率制度僵化是一个新兴经济体展示"恐惧 花车. "在90年代末的货币事故和2000年初,越来越 一些新兴经济体的汇率已从采取僵化 组合灵活的汇率,"通货膨胀目标" 由于此举 中央汇率已较大多数新兴经济政策辩论 市场. 但这并不意味着汇率消失 政策讨论. 事实上,通过一系列的通货膨胀目标 重要汇率有关的问题,其中不少新出现. 本 一纸处理三大政策问题和通货膨胀目标(三)外汇 率,已成为越来越重要的货币政策分析 新兴国家.