
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/04/30 00:59:09
本份合约於2005年 , 由位於台湾台北市 .... 北路 ... 之 XXXXXX股份有限公司(表委托人之意,以下称 “委托人” )与Leo Burnett Limited(表代理商之意,以下称“代理商”)签定,委托人与代理商之间在有关委托人之产品於台湾与香港(以下称“区域” )之广告宣传上之合作关系将以本合约为正式依据。
A 代理商之服务内容
1. 对委托人之产品於区域内之广告计画,且协调委托人其他之宣传与广告活动。
2. 初步的市场调查与媒体研究,包括广告刊登方式与时机,以制订适切的广告计画。
3. 制订个别之广告项目,包括一般促销方式、宣传与商品合作机会等活动。
4. 协助与准备委托人所需之广告项目并编列各项预算。
5. 制作、计画及监督委托人指定所需之所有印制(报纸、杂志、其他刊物、零售商与传单等),广播、电视、电影、户外T霸、公众告示板、海报、大众运输工具车体广告等之广告材料。
6. 制作或协助制作广告图案草稿、广告本文、电影式海报和脚本、传单、小册子、目录、销售材料、包装材料与包装。

1. 广告空间与时间

Agents contract Part contract in 2005, in Taiwan from Taipei. . . . Road North. . . Of XXXXXX, Inc. (Table clients of Italy, hereinafter referred to as "clients") and Leo Burnett Limited (Table agents of Italy, hereinafter referred to as "agents") signed, between clients and agents in the event of the products in Taiwan and Hong Kong (hereinafter referred to as "regional"), the advertising partnership will be the basis for formal contracts. A service of the contents of agents Agents must meet all general advertising agent clients in the region of advertising agency services. Services should include, but are not limited to, the following items listed in the service : 1. Products to clients in the region of the advertising plan, and coordination of publicity and advertising clients other activities. 2. Initial market research and media research, including ways and advertisement opportunity to develop appropriate advertising plan. 3. Individual development of advertising projects, including general marketing methods, and cooperation opportunities with the merchandise. 4. Assist with the preparation of advertising clients for the project and the budget provision. 5. Production, planning and supervision of all clients designated for printing (newspapers, magazines, other publications, retailers and leaflets, etc.), radio, television, movies, outdoor t tyrants, public notices, posters, advertisements and other public transport body-work of the advertising material. 6. Produced or assisted in the production of advertising design draft, advertising work, film-style posters and print, leaflets, brochures, catalogues, marketing materials, packaging materials and packaging. Recorded on the basis of the following ways, clients will be provided agents relative to the price of services. 1. Advertising space and time All purchase broadcast media advertising time and the cost of advertising space paid by the client. Agents will be given to media clients 8% commission of gross expenditures as rewards. Clients in the media expenditures to be within 30 days after the agent provided the information related media expenditures. If in any year, all clients of the media expenditure of more than HK $ 30,000,000 gross yuan, the commission agents will be 7.5% of expenditures media hair. The media expenditure in the calculation of gross