鄞江中学美术招生考:Does technology make a better world to live in

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/09/21 09:07:14

as we all know,we live in a world of technology every day. and of course technology is very importand to every one's life.besides, the original purpose of science and technology is exactly to make better lives .for example, what would you do if you see your dirty cloths everywhere, and you really don't want to wash them all day long? if technology makes a better world to live in, then you'll have washing machines. technology comes out of laziness, so we'll have less time on doing what it's not worth to.and there are so many ways to prove that it's true. so after all,technology does make a better world to live in to all of us.thank you!

my articles have my own style. think over.

呵呵 自己写的才能背出来啊 别人即使写了 你还是不熟悉 到时候 怎么也说不好的 口译考试就要自己准备的