
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/04/28 23:20:16
3.除了名单上的名字之外,还有六个申请人。(in addition to)
5.他很快就使自己成为新政府中有实力的成员。(establish oneself as)
7.他为了拯救这个小孩,而牺牲了自己的生命。(at the cost of)
8.关于选择哪些书我们不得不开展进一步的讨论。(as to)
9.店主伸手拿了一包茶叶。(reach for)
11.中华体育健儿在每四年一次的奥运会上取得许多第一。但迄今为止,在田径项目上取得的奖项还不多。(every four years,field and track events,come out number one)
12.当他们指责她小气时,她无奈地叹了一口气。(let out)
13.在最关键的时刻,他以坚定的意志力克服重重困难,赢得了比赛的胜利。(power of will)
14.男人四十岁正是生命全盛的时期。(in one`s prime)
15.他在书桌边坐下来,开始计算确切的数据。(settle down)
16.当灯突然熄灭时,恐惧向他袭来。(come over)


1. Everyone was late because of variety reasons for that party.
2. Do you have any other alternatives?
3. There are six more applicants in addition to the names on the list.
4. Who comes to claim this wrist-watch which I saw just now?
5. He established himself as one of the strong members of the new government very soon.
6. The rain compeled us to stay in the room.
7. He saved this child at the cost of his own life.
8. We have to make the further as to which book to choose.
9. The shopkeeper put up his hand and reach to a pack of tea.
10. The boys and girls are circling the Christmas tree.
11. Chinese athletes have made a lot of number ones in Olympic Games which is held every four years. But till now,in field and track events, fewer has come out number one.
12. When they criticized her stingily ,she let out a helpless breath.
13. At the most important moment, he overcame mumbers of difficulties with the power of will and at last he won the competition.
14. It is in a man’s high prime when he is in his forties.
15. He sat down by the desk and settled down to calculate the exact data.
16. When the lights suddenly went out, the fear came to him.
17. Your pencil nearly poked my eyes.

终于翻译完了 我看了一下三楼翻译的 好生硬喔 没用给的词 还有好多语法错误(三楼的不要生气哈~) 还是采纳我的比较好~

1 Everybody is late because of the different one at that party.
2 Do you have other suggestions?
3 Besides name on the list , there are six applicants.
4 Who comes to claim this wrist-watch that I saw?
5 He makes oneself become strong members of the new governments soon.
6 The rain forces us to stay in the room.
7 He is in order to save this child, and has sacrificed one's own life.
8 Which books we have to launch the further discussion about choosing.
9 The shopkeeper stretches and takes a pack of tea.
10 The boy and girl surround by the Christmas tree.
11 Chinese athlete makes a lot of number ones in every Olympic Games once every four years. But up until now, more reward that make at track and field event.
12 When they criticize her stingily , the one breath that she sighs helplessly.
13 At the most key moment , he overcomes the numerous difficulties with firm willpower, has won the victory of competition.
14 Man 40 years old exactly the period that the life is flourishing .
15 He sits down by the desk, begins to calculate the precise data.
16 When the light suddenly went out, the fear came at him
17 Your pencil jab eyes to reach me almost.
给我加分吧!http://www.senye.com/fanyi.htm 自己去吧!

1 Everybody is late because of the different one at that party.
2 Do you have other suggestions?
3 Besides name on the list , there are six applicants.
4 Who comes to claim this wrist-watch that I saw?
5 He makes oneself become strong members of the new governments soon.
6 The rain forces us to stay in the room.
7 He is in order to save this child, and has sacrificed one's own life.
8 Which books we have to launch the further discussion about choosing.
9 The shopkeeper stretches and takes a pack of tea.
10 The boy and girl surround by the Christmas tree.
11 Chinese athlete makes a lot of number ones in every Olympic Games once every four years. But up until now, more reward that make at track and field event.
12 When they criticize her stingily , the one breath that she sighs helplessly.
13 At the most key moment , he overcomes the numerous difficulties with firm willpower, has won the victory of competition.
14 Man 40 years old exactly the period that the life is flourishing .
15 He sits down by the desk, begins to calculate the precise data.
16 When the light suddenly went out, the fear came at him
17 Pencil of you jab eyes to reach me almost.


1,Every one is late for varieties of reasons at that party.

1.Everybody was late for that party because of different varieties of reasons.
2.Do you have an alternative?
3.There are six more applicants in addition to those who are already on the list.
4.Has anyone claimed the watch I found? (原题应该是"捡到")
5.He soom established himself as one of the powerful members of the new government.
7.The rain compelled us to stay in the room.
8.We have to make further discussion as to which books we shall choose.
9.The owner reached for a pack of tea.
10.The boy and the girl circled around the Christmas tree.
11.Chinese athletes have won many first prizes at the Olympic Games held every four years.But till now track and field awards hasn't come out number one.
12.When they blamed her for being mean, she just let out and sighed deeply.
13.At the most critical moment,he overcame all the difficulties with the power of will and won the game.
14.Men at the age of forty are in their prime.
15.He settled down at the table and began to calculate the specific number.
16.When the lights went out, a feeling of fear came over him.
17.Your pencil nearly poked into my eye!
