
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/09/21 06:17:25

1. wrong错误 英解:not accurate or correct A: I can't believe this! All the data in his report are wrong! 我真不敢相信!他报告里的资料全是错的! B: Well your report is no better. 嗯,你的报告也好不到哪里去呀。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 延伸用法 2. don't get me wrong别误解我 英解:used when someone wants to make sure that someone else understands correctly A: What are you doing reading Shakespeare? I thought you hated the classics. 你为什么在读莎士比亚?我以为你讨厌古典文学。 B: Don't get me wrong; I love literature, but I just hate poetry. 别误会了;我喜欢文学,只是讨厌诗词罢了。 3. get off on the wrong foot搞砸 英解:to make a bad start on a project or a relationship A: Tomorrow is our first meeting with the new client, so let's try not to get off on the wrong foot. 明天是我们与新客户的第一次会面,我们得试着别搞砸了。 B: Sure. So you'll try not to spill coffee all down this one, right? 当然。只要你别把咖啡打翻就好啦! 4. get on the wrong side of someone使某人生气 英解: to make someone feel angry towards you A: That Michael is so rude. I don't know how much longer I can keep quiet about it. 那个麦克好粗鲁喔。我不知道我还能闷不吭声多久。 B: Be careful. He's the boss' son so you don't want to get on the wrong side of him. 小心点。他可是老板的公子,你可不想惹火他吧。 5. what's wrong?怎么啦? 英解:used to ask about someone's emotional state A: What's wrong with Sarah? She looks so sad. 莎拉怎么啦?她看起来很伤心。 B: Oh she got dumped yesterday and this morning she left her purse on the bus. 喔,她昨天被甩,今早皮包又掉在公车上了。 Questions: 1. ____? Did someone die? 2. Don't ___! She's got a really bad temper. 3. The answer to this question is ___. 4. I'm ruined! I ___ with that girl I met on the party. 5. ___! I am not saying you are ugly, just unusual looking! Answers: 1. What's wrong (5) 2. get on the wrong side of her (4) 3. wrong (1) 4. got off on the wrong foot (3) 5. don't get me wrong (2)