朱自清写雨的文章:how to recommand yourself to others

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/01 16:04:59
we all know that nowadays it is important to show ourselvers, including our talents and our characteristic so that other may have a good impression. But how to recommand ourselves to others? The easterners used to conceal their real opinions and be modest.How can we change our opinions and try to adjust to the new situation?

you should learn how to marketing yourself !
marketing is an art and science.
it needs practice.
first of all, packing yourself is very important, and also you should position yourself, you should konw what image you want to create.

我们都知道, 当今社会中展示自己是重要的, 包括我们的天分和我们的特征以便能给他人留有一个好印象。但怎么推荐我们自己给其他人? 东方人过去常隐瞒他们真正的看法并且谦虚,羞怯.我们怎样能改变我们的想法并设法对新情况调整?

show your good points