
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/04 14:56:24
读 《格列佛游记》有感
我很羡慕文中的主人公有幸能到慧因国,慧因国是我们所追求和向往的理想境地,在这里你不需顾虑别人说话的真假,而在现实的世界,有着太多我们不愿看到的事情常常发生:有人用花言巧语骗取别人的血汗钱、有人拐卖儿童谋取暴利、有人甚至为了金钱抛弃自己的亲身父母。难怪我们的老师、长辈从小就教育我们要提高警惕,不要上当受骗。 我期盼着有一天我们的社会也像慧因国,孩子们的眼中不再有疑虑,教育与现实是统一的。我愿为此付出努力,也希望大家与我一道,从自己做起,从现在开始做起,让这个社会多一点真诚、少一点虚伪。


In long holidays, I read Britain writer Jonathan Swift " dose tabulates Buddha's travel notes ", novel with pungent satire and humor, extraordinary imagination and overstate, describe , love adventurous dose of navigation rank Buddha, four travel around the world, go through big and small thrill and interesting adventure.
I envy host publicly-owned good fortune in the article can reach intelligent because of the country very much, intelligent because the country is the ideal condition that we pursue and yearn for, you do not need the true and false that others speak of worry here, in realistic world , have we unwilling thing that see often happen too much: Someone defraud of with sweet words others' money earned by hard toil , someone abduct children seek sudden huge profits , someone even abandon for money a one's own one personally parents. No wonder our teacher , elder have educated us to enhance vigilance since childhood, don't have dust thrown into the eyes . I expect society of us like intelligent because of country too one day , eyes of the children no longer have a doubt, education and reality are unified . I wish to make it hard for this, hope too everybody starts from oneself together with I, start from beginning now, make more of this societies sincere , a bit fewer and false.

In vacation, I read the English writer Jonathan Siweifute <<Georgia is Buddha travel notes>> to assess the novel ecological, bizarre imagination and exaggeration, describes fond of nautical adventure Georgia out Buddhism, travel around the world, has experienced large thrilling and interesting fortuitous encounter. I am very envious of the leading character, had to account for country-hui Wai because our country and for the pursuit of the ideal situation where you do not need worry about what other people say, and in the real world, there is too much we do not want to see things often occurred : It was a sweet words for others hard-earned, was abducted children profiteering, Some people even abandon his personal money to their parents. No wonder our teachers, elders told us we have to be vigilant and not hoodwinked. I look forward to the day when our community is like-hui country, the children no longer had the eyes of doubt, education and the reality is unified. I would try my best for this , I hope you will join with me, from myself, from starting now, make this community more sincere, less hypocritical.