
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/06 05:35:19

Our teacher is not only s_________ with us but also kind to us.
There are three c_________ in the play, Father, Mother and son.
The machine is o_________ by electricity.
I consider the park was good v________ for the money.
Press the b_________ and the record will work..
After several times, he was s_______ in doing the experiment.
Go s________ ahead till you see the tower.
The Great Wall is a f_________ place for visitors to China.
Can you i________ life without electricity.
In Briton, sales of c __________have fallen by 30% in the last ten years.
It's a non-smoking room. Nobody is a________ to smoke here.
It's a good c________ for you. Don't miss it.
Without your parents' p_________ you can't go out at night.
I often p_______ my father to give up smoking, but he continues.
Parents should help their children to form good h________.
She r__________ her weight by 5 kilograms after a month's exercise.
C____________ with Kate, Jane is lucky enough to escape.
We are good friends. Therefore we must s_______ in happiness and trouble.
Rice is grow in China, Japan and other A ____________ countries.
I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more c______________.
C__________ are different from country to country.
What's the d_____________ between London and Paris.
The teacher asks the students to write a c___________ once every two weeks.
It's good m___________ to stand when you accept something from others.
-Would you like me to carry it for you
-No, thanks. I can m_____________ it myself.
We feel p__________ that we're Chinese.
He n___________ his head when he agreed.
He d___________ the photos which had been taken the day before.
The postman d____________ letters and newspapers from door to door every day.
When I c________ my shopping list I found I had forgotten to buy eggs.
If you want to meet him, I can f________ it.
I came i________________ after I had eaten.
Have you heard the l____________ news about the war
This song is very p____________ with the young people.
He will have his new book p_____________ next spring.
Don't judge a man only by his a_______________ .
He has made a great c_________________ to a space development program.
Charlie Chaplin first appeared on the s________ when he was 5 years old.
They were caught in a snow s___________ on their way home.
I didn't feel well on that p__________ evening.
Chaplin's first films were s_____________.
He died in 1999 and was b_____________ in Switzerland.
The children were e_____________ at the every thought of the journey.
It's a great h_____________ receive that prize.
The little girl wants to have a piano. But her parents can't a___________ it.
What a s__________ that it rained on the day of your garden party.
When building m___________ cost more, the price of houses increases.
I n___________ her go out of the room just now.
English is the o_____________ language in India.
It's f____________ cold outside. You'd better put on you coat.
51. G__________ speaking, American English and British English are almost the same.
52. I _________ (注意到) her go out of the room just now.
"Word" and "world" are pronounced d__________
G__________ is the study of the earth's surface, climate, products, population and so on.
It's f_________ cold outside. You'd better put on your coat.
They use n________ gas for cooking.
The a________ of 3, 8, and 10 is 7.
Eskimos came from Asia and s__________ in Canada about 4000 years ago.
When he found a boy s___________ in the river, he jumped into the river and managed to carry the boy to the safety.
Your h________ should often be washed.
First aid is the science of giving m________ care before a doctor can be found.
She is always worried about his s_________.
The little boy held his mother's hand t_________ when crossing the street.
" B_________deeply," the doctor told him.
She fell off the bicycle. She must be i__________.
If you are b___________ by an animal, see a doctor as soon as possible.
I think this problem should be d__________ with quickly.
Sorry, I took your umbrella by m__________.
Many people died of illnesses c__________ by smoking every day.
All the people p_________ at the conference agreed to the suggestion.
P__________ to the young plant, he told us what type of plant it was.
His English was so l__________ that he couldn't make himself understood.
Something must be done with the p___________ water.
We all went out s__________ to look for new plants.
We chose him our m___________ because of his fine character.
Soil on the hillside is g ___________ lost.
Men and women should be e___________ treated.
In the shop, the assistants serve c____________ warmly.
J___________ from his accent, he comes from Australia.
The dress made to her own m___________ fits her very well.
You should a___________ to your teacher when you are late.
On New Year's Day, we all had a very p___________ time.
Come on. Your mother is e__________ you home.
I found him a_________ all night.
That's 150 dollars t_____________.
A large number of b___________ and clothes were sent to the flooded area.
The b___________ of the trees were cut off for firewood.
F____________, he escaped from the falling house.
She gave her child a w___________ not to play near the railway line.
People's n___________ body temperature is around 36.5 degrees centigrade.
A hurricane s__________ the southeast of England last week.
Blood was f___________ from his wound.
Put it in a p__________ bag and throw it away.
The BBC will b___________ the news at 10 o'clock.
His performance was p__________ in every way.
He was f___________ at the sight of the snake.
He sat there quietly, s___________ at the picture of his wife on the wall.
I tried to a___________ his attention, but failed.
Don't stand too close to the animal, it might a_________ you.
Her face looked p_________ as the result of the illness.
101. His whole school e___________ added up to no more than two years.
102. The doctor had done some s__________ research on diseases of the blood.
103. The d__________ of oil on their land made the family rich.
104. He e___________ $3000 a year by trading with that company.
105. There are more than 60 p__________ working in this college.
106. P________ and development are two main topics of the current world.
107. We could see nothing in the d_________. We had to feel our way forward.
108. The teacher has a way of making in his classes lively and interesting. He is r_________ by all of his students.
109. He has gone to America for f__________ study after graduation from our college.
110. Most people find his a________ ideas difficult to understand.
111. He is a man with b__________ shoulders.
112. Most people said they didn't like it, but p__________ I thought it was very good.
113. The plan should be c__________ out immediately.
114. The little boy has a large collection of ____________ cars.
115. There will be an international trade e__________ next spring in our city.
116. Have you ever heard of the unidentified flying o__________ in the sky.
117. The Red Cross is an international o____________ which cares for people who are in need o help.
118. He f___________ the letter and put it in an envelope.
119. His h___________ makes him stand out in the crowd.
120. I'll get him carry the r_________ to my damaged car.
121. The minister deals with important a_____________ of the state.
122. Make sure the door is f________ before you go out.
123. The old French table is a very valuable piece of f___________.
124. My uncle is my nearest r___________. I often go to see him.
125. We decided to d________ going on holiday until next month.
126. I don't want to be a sailor. I want to be a c____________.
127. He has formed the habit of taking a cold b___________ every morning.
128. The railway is still under c____________. It's expected to be completed next year.
129. What's the d_________ of the lake.
130. When I gave up work, I shall take a long sea v__________.
131. Of all the v_____________ ways of cooking an egg, I like boiling best.
132. Do you know what's in the bottle f__________ on water
133. He m________ wants to know the truth, nothing else.
134. The m__________ of people at the meeting were for the plan.
135. The p__________ of man's traveling to the moon has now been proved.
136. He is a teacher with rich p___________ experience.
137. I've had p___________ of this house for 7 years.
138. Goods are t__________ from one country to another by ship, plane and so on.
139. I didn't like the story. It didn't s__________ me.
140. These shops are c_____________ reached from all parts of the city.
141. He met his friend at the airport by a___________.
142. You have nothing in c___________ with others.
143. The dog followed the fox's t__________.
144. It was s__________ of you to believe such a person.
145. How much do you c___________ for a room for the night
146. We've not d___________ the date for the meeting.
147. The t____________ will come out in the end.
148. It was an e____________ difficult and dangerous task.
149. You should tell your story h_________.
150. This is the c__________ city of the whole area.
151.All the workers in London went on strike because their d for better working condition was refused.
152.The news has been b 3 times since this morning.
153.Smith is connected with the Greens by m .
154.It is u for you to scold little Tom. He has done nothing wrong.
155.The plane fell to the ground and e .
156.No one should enter the lab without p .
157.The l of the blacks in the U S A set a good example to the black people in the world.
158.There have been ten m in the past two months in this city.
159.Finally he a his mistake.
160.Our city has become a place of interest. There are a lot of t every year.
161.All the visitors are struck by the palaces in the "Forbidden City".
162.Alice soon recovered under the doctor's t .
163.---How is your father today
---- He is s better, and the doctor say he deeds to stay in hospital for another two weeks.
164. H____________, we'll have a good harvest this year.
165.What's his a to this matter
166."What mark did I get in this exam " the student asked the teacher n .
167.He wrote a poem in p of the little hero.
168.Some of us wanted to report the matter to our headmaster, but others thought o .
169.My memory doesn't serve me now. I can't remember anything about the m you spoke of just now.
170.The famous singer refused to p unless given a proper reward.
171.It is impossible for him to be a singer, for he is not m at all.
172.How and why he moved to America was a story of s and success.
173.I think I have met that man somewhere. His name sound f .
174.All her fellow workers have got married but she remains s .
175.From the young g we have seen the hope of our country.
176.He sat there with his head in his hands, deep in t .
177.He was praised for his b in the battle.
178.He went to the west to try his f after he was set free from prison.
179.They became very poor because of being heavily t .
180.Marx once made London the base for his r work.
181.I feel d about the truth of his report.
182.The train whistled announcing it's a when it was near the station.
183.He cried and laughed by turns. Obviously he got some m trouble.
184.They were all e to know the results of the entrance examination.
185.He often told us about his s during the war, in which he lost his family.
186.It is said that he will be s to ten years' imprisonment.
187.He got a raise because he always did his work e .
188.Our national defense must be s .
189.No one enjoys being i .
190.They understood each other very well because of f exchange of thoughts.
191.The bell rang a the end of the class.
192. The song r me of the days when I lived in the country.
193.He bought the second-hand car at a low price after some b with the seller.
194.The chief farm p are wheat and maize.
195.----I have passed the entrance examination.
---C .
196. The politician has few s . He will be defeated in the coming election.
197.Thank you for the e you have made to help us out of the trouble.
198.What t weather !We all feel tired.
199.U ,he fell ill the day before the entrance examination.
200.We are d to spend our summer holidays in America.

1.strict 2.characters 3.operated 4.value 5.button
6.successful 7.straight 8.favourite 9.imagine 10.cigarettes
11.allowed 12.chance 13.permission 14.advice 15.habits
16.reduced 17.compared 18.share 19.Asian 20.comfortably
21. customs 22.distance 23.composition 24.manners 25.manage
26.proud 27.nodded 28. developed 29.delivers 30.checked
31.fix 32.immediately 33.latest 34.popular 35.published
36.appearances 37. contributions 38.stage 39. storm 40.particular
41.silent 42.buried 43. excited 44.honour 45.afford
46. shame 47.materials 48.noticed 49.official 50.freezing
51. Generally 52.noticed 53. differently 54. Geography 55. freezing
56. natural 57. average 58.settled 59.struggling 60.handkerchief
61. medical 62. safety 63. tightly 64. Breathe 65. injured
66. bitten 67.dealt 68.mistake 69.caused 70.present
71. Pointing 72. limited 73. polluted 74. separately 75.monitor
76. gradually 77. equally 78. customers 79. Judging 80. measure
81. apologize 82. pleasant 83. expecting 84. awake 85. altogether
86. blankets 87. branches 88. Fortunately 89.warning 90. normal
91. struck 92. flowing 93. plastic 94.broadcast 95. perfect
96. frightened 97. staring 98. attract 99. attack 100. pale
101.education 102 scientific 103. discovery 104. earned 105. professors
106. peace 107. darkness 108. respected 109. further 110. advanced
111.broad 112. personally 113. carried 114. model 115. exhibition
116.object 117.organization 118. folded 119. height 120. repairs
121.affairs 122.fastened 123.furniture 124.relative 125. delay
126. captain 127. bath 128.construction 129.depth 130. voyage
131.various 132. floating 133.merely 134. majority 135. possibility
136.practical 137. possession 138. transported 139. satisfy 140.conveniently
141.accident 142. common 143.tracks 144.stupid 145. charge
146.determined 147.truth 148.extremely 149.honestly 150. central
151.demand 152.marriage 153.broadcast 154.unfair 155.exploded
156.permission 157.liberation 158.muuders 159.admitted 160.tourists
161.splendid 162.treatment 163.slightly 164.Hopefully 165.attitude
166.nervously 167.praise 168.otherwise 169.musican 170.perform
171.musical 172.sadness 173.familiar 174.single 175.generation
176.thought 177.bravery 178.fortune 179.taxed 180.revolutionary
181.doubtful 182.arrival 183.mental 184.eager 185.suffering
186.sentenced 187.excellently 188.strengtherned 189.interrupted 190.frequent
191.announcing 192.reminded 193.bargains 194.products 195.Congratulations
196.supporters 197.effort 198.tiring 199. Unfortunately 200.determined