
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/01 16:21:49
这两天要进行英语口试考试,针对问题回答,答题时间为一分钟(大约6个句句子)要求回答内容健康,符合题意!!请各位高手帮帮忙!!!也可以不回答全部,挑选你认为有把握的几道问题回答! 问题如下:
Why is honesty important?
How do you feel when you have been untruthful to others?
Does smoking bother you? Why or why not?
Do you think blind date is believable? Why or why not?
Do you say "hi" to people even if they are strangers? Why? Why not?
Do you enjoy meeting new people? Why or why not?
Are you nervous when you are introduced to someone new? Why or why not?
What makes you happy? Why do you think so?
Are you shy? In which occasions are you shy?
What do you think the world would be like without music?
If you could change anything in your life, what would it be? Why?
Why are you studying English?
What is your attitude towards cheating during tests and exams?
What do you usually do for summer holiday?
What is your favorite holiday memory? Tell us about it.
Describe something you like to do when you have free time.
Describe a person who has influenced your life.
What would you do if you had a million dollars?
What would you do if you were an English teache

honesty is important as it inculcates intergrity in us. Honesty guides our basic actions and shows us the correct path. A person without honesty would not be able to gain trust from others. Without the basic trust, how could one survive in this world where humans rely on inter-cooperation?

i feel bad when i have been untruthful. No matter what my intention is, i just feel bad for being untruthful to others. In the end, i would normally just end up telling the truth, even to the smallest lies. the burden of guilt is unbearable, and it would only be lifted when we confess.

Smoking does bothers me. From my education, i know that narcotic is bad for our health, even if it is in the form of second hand smoke. i feel that it is very inconsiderate to harm other's health when they did not intend to harm themselves. Moreover, in this world now, there are many asthmatic patients, the smoke from cigarettes might disturb their breathing and worsen their conditions.

In this era, i do not believe that blind dates are believable. The reson being that people should be more wary of others around them. It dangerous for a lady to meet up with a stranger alone. Moreover, we cannot trust what we see from the blind dates, as many tend to hide their true self in such meetings.

i feel that the world would be terrible without music. Music brings us ryhthm. Without ryhthm, we would look like robots without feelings. Music can also liven up spirits and cheer one up when they are feeling low. Music is very important in our lives.

i am studying english as it is a very important language tool in our lives. As China is developing fast, we need to have a language medium that allows us to communicate with the world and bring in more wealth to our home country. English allows us to have more access to business and other cultures that we have not seen before in the past. We would be able to learn a lot of beneficial things from such cultures.

i feel that cheating during tests and exams are intolerable. By doing so, one is not only cheating the people around him, but also cheating on himself. Ths main reason of tests and exams, other than self checking, is also to let us reflect. If we have scored badly, from the results, we would reflect and do better next time. However, if we cheat, we would never know how bad we are. Instead, we would only immerse in our own imaginations and in the end, we would not be able to keep up with others.

If i had a million dollars, i would firstly draw up a plan. Although i would like to spend it on comics, i would rather save up the money for old age. i would make sure that this sum of money would allow me to have a reasonable standard of living in future, where prices have gone up. After planing, i have to make sure that i do immerse in bad thoughts. Instead, i would continue to work hard,if not, even harder to earn my second million dollars.