
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/04 19:10:31
最好能短一点!tank you very much!

A Hutch Full Of Guinea Pigs

By Paul Mc Cann

I thought I'd buy a pet guinea pig and so I made my way,

to the pet shop in the village where the prices are ok .

I checked each one carefully, making eye contact here and there,

with the furry little creatures , so they would know that I care .

I took my time picking one and decided to bring one home ,

I chose one in the corner of a cage sitting all alone .

I took my guinea pig home in an empty shoebox that day ,

I put it in a wooden hutch with the floor covered in hay .

Next morning when I went to feed it I couldn't help but grin ,

I'd bought a pregnant guinea pig and grabbed myself a bargain .

Five for the price of one .

Who could have known?

What a lucky touch !

Now I have five guinea pigs running around inside the hutch.

A Kitten Spitting

By Paul Mc Cann

Who white-washed the window with the kitten ?
I did Daddy .
Then I flung it over the wall .
Why son . Why son ?
Cause it started spitting . Yes son ?
Then hissing .
It stuck out it's claws and all.
Why son?
I tried to bath the pussy cat .
I didn't know it was as hard as it was.
Yes my son kittens don't like getting wet .
They like to lick their fur there
right down to their paws.
They can keep clean without your help my son .
Don't bath the pussy cat .
No matter what you think .
It's not a lot of fun
but Daddy the cat had this really awful stink .
So I lifted her up by her soft fur ,
then I threw her away .
Now no more does she purr.

The Grey Misty Cat

By Paul Mc Cann

Once a little kitten came to call in on us one day .
It seemed to be happy here and looked as if she would stay
I called her Misty because streak's of grey covered her .
She pounced on shadows ,
as they danced around the garden there .
I watched her settle in as my wife and I had a talk .
We asked neighbour's around us as we went out for a walk .
Does anyone know if anybody lost a Smokey cat ,
that is very friendly and loves to be petted and all that .
Well we grew fond of Misty ,
but attached we could not be ,
her home was on the corner ,
with another family .

It's A Dogs Life

By Paul Mc Cann

The street where I live resembles a pound,
after a while you get used to the sound.
They bark at the kids they bark at the bus,
each house has at least one dog, except us.
The two dogs next door are Prince and Rover,
have chewed every football we've kicked over
The faithful dog behind us on a chain,
howls at the moon and every passing train .
I saw the back of the Ute dog today,
it wasn't click clacked up tight in the tray.
The Ute dog yelped out as the car stopped quick,
it then tried to give it's poor paws a lick .
The dog with no tail is easily led,
garbage night is when it gets fed.
Then there's the guard dogs by the side fence,
I wish people could show some commonsense.
Two huge dogs in a small yard just don't fit,
they get paranoia, we pay for it.
A dogs life round here means getting restrained,
I think some dog owners need to be trained.
In our street all the dogs are left alone .
I wish someone would give them a good home .