光歌词陈粒:请教: VC++中picture控件有哪些方法?怎样清空此控件?

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/04 18:22:43



Create Creates the Windows static control and attaches it to the CStatic object.


SetBitmap Specifies a bitmap to be displayed in the static control.
GetBitmap Retrieves the handle of the bitmap previously set with SetBitmap.
SetIcon Specifies an icon to be displayed in the static control.
GetIcon Retrieves the handle of the icon previously set with SetIcon.
SetCursor Specifies a cursor image to be displayed in the static control.
GetCursor Retrieves the handle of the cursor image previously set with SetCursor.
SetEnhMetaFile Specifies an enhanced metafile to be displayed in the static control.
GetEnhMetaFile Retrieves the handle of the enhanced metafile previously set with SetEnhMetaFile.

