
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/05 15:08:04
Brief History of Al
When digital computers were first being developed in the 1940s and 1950s, several researchers wrote programs that could perform elementary reasoning tasks. Prominent among these were papers describing the first computer programs that could play chess, and checkers and prove theorems in plane geometry. In 1956, John McCarthy and Claude Shannon coedited a volume entitled Automata Studies. Disappointed that the papers dealt mainly with the mathematical theory of automata, McCarthy decided to use the phrase Artificial Intelligence as the title of a 1956 Dartmouth conference. Several important early papers were delivered at that conference, including one by Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, and Herbert Simon on a program called the Logic Theorist, which could prove theorems in prepositional logic. Even though many other names for the field were tried, including complex information progressing, machine intelligence, heuristic programming,and cognology, the name Artificial Intelligence has persisted, no doubt because a progression of textbooks, college course, conferences, and journals used the name.
In 1958, John McCarthy proposed using the predicate calculus as a language for representing and using knowledge in a system he called the “advice taker”. This system was to be told what it needed to know rather than programmed. A modest but influential implementation of these ideas was undertaken by Cordell Green in his system called QA3. Surviving much controversy among SI researchers, the predicate calculus and several of its variants constitute the foundation for knowledge representation in AI.
Twentieth-century logicians, including Kurt Go del, Stephen Kleene, Emil Post, Alonzo Church, and Alan Turing, formalized and clarified much of what could and could not be done with logical and computational systems. More recently, computer scientists, including Stephen Cook and Richard Karp, identified classes of computations that, while possible in principle, might require utterly impractical amounts of time and memory.
The first modern article dealing with the possibility of mechanizing human style intelligence was the one by Alan Turing. During this same period, Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts theorized about the one relationships between simple to computer any computable function by networks of logical gates, Other work by Frank Rosenblatt explored the use of networks, called perceptions, of neuronlike elements for learning and for pattern recognition. Several other streams of work, among them cybernetics, cognitive psychology, computational linguistics, and adaptive control theory, also contributed to the intellectual matrix within which AI developed.


当数字电脑在40、50年代第一次得到发展时,一些研究人员就开发了能作基本推理工作的运行程序。这其中最著名的就是在论文上提到的第一个电脑程序是可以使电脑下象棋,制图同时还可以用来计算和证明平面几何定理。在1956年,John McCarthy and Claude Shannon 联合出了一本书叫作 Automata Studies.让人遗憾的是在这篇论文内只提到了自动化在数学学说上的体现,McCarthy决定在1956年的Dartmouth会议上用Artificial Intelligence作为标题。许多早期的重要文件都在这次的会议上得到了公开发表,这其中包括一篇由Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, and Herbert Simon三人联合写的关于一个叫Logic Theorist的程序,这个程序可以用来证明前置逻辑定理的。虽然也试着给这个领域其他的名字,例如像complex information progressing, machine intelligence, heuristic programming,and cognology,但是Artificial Intelligence这个名字是唯一存在至今的。对于它的存在我们是毋庸置疑的因为它已经在教科书,大学的专业课程,专业会议和专业杂志上得到了广泛的运用。
在1958年,John McCarthy 提议使用微积分来描述计算机同时将知识融入计算机系统中去,他称这个叫做“advice taker”. 这个电脑系统将会被告诉,他可以自由的接受一切他需要了解而不必被计划好。

老兄啊!!!你这个太专业了 都是电脑用语 我查了半天字典也才帮你搞了这多 我这里是人工翻译出来的 真是对不住了 我能力有限 翻译这个我也只能这样了 要是有别人是用翻译工具的可能可以帮你搞出来全部的 你看这前面的一部分应该是可以帮你减轻不少负担的了。 这个太麻烦了…… 吐血ing……