
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/09/21 06:27:15
Naturally-occurring radiation accounts for approximately 80 percent of our exposure. Most of our exposure is to indoor radon, followed by radiation from outer space and from the earth's crust.
Sixty-eight percent of our exposure to natural sources of radiation usually comes from radon. Radon is a colorless, tasteless, and odorless gas that comes from the decay of uranium found in nearly all soils. Levels of radon vary throughout the country. Radon usually moves from the ground up and migrates into homes and other buildings through cracks and other holes in their foundations. The buildings trap radon inside, where it accumulates and may become a health hazard if the building is not properly ventilated.
When you breathe air containing a large amount of radon, the radiation can damage your lungs and eventually cause lung cancer. Scientists believe that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. It is estimated that 7,000 to 30,000 Americans die each year from radon-induced lung cancer. Only smoking causes more lung cancer deaths and smokers exposed to radon are at higher risk than nonsmokers.
Controlling the Risks from Radon Exposure
Radon is found all over the United States. Scientists estimate that nearly one out of every 15 homes in this country has radon levels higher than four picocuries per liter, the level above which EPA recommends that homeowners take corrective action. Picocuries per liter is how radon in the air is measured. Testing your home is the only way to know if you and your family are at risk from radon.
Testing for radon is easy and only takes a few minutes of your time. There are many kinds of low-cost, "do-it-yourself" radon test kits available through the mail or from retail outlets. You can also hire a professional to do the testing.
To find a qualified professional, check with your State Radon Contact. Some states maintain lists of contractors who work in their state and states may have proficiency programs or requirements of their own. You can also contact a privately-run radon proficiency program. EPA is aware of two private programs offering proficiency in radon testing and mitigation. However, please be aware that reference to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply that the United States Government endorses, recommends, or favors them.

自然发生的辐射占大约我们的曝光的80%。 大多数我们的曝光是对室内氡气, 由辐射跟随从外层空间和从地皮。
我们的对辐射的自然来源的暴露的百分之六十八通常来自氡气。 氡气是无色的, 无味,并且来自铀朽烂的无气味的气体在几乎所有土壤发现了。 氡气的水平变化在国家中。 氡气在他们的基础从新通常移动并且移居入家和其他大厦通过镇压和其他孔。 里面大厦陷井氡气, 那里它积累并且也许成为健康危害,如果大厦没有适当地被通风。
当您呼吸包含很多氡气的空气, 辐射可能损坏您的肺和最终导致肺癌。 科学家相信氡气是肺癌的第二主导的起因在美国。 它估计7,000个到30,000个美国人每年死于氡气导致的肺癌。 只抽烟导致更多肺癌死亡,并且吸烟者被暴露在氡气比不抽烟的人是在更高的风险。 控制风险从氡气曝光
氡气在美国被找到。 科学家估计几乎一个出于毎15个家在这个国家有氡气水平更加高于每公升四微微居里,之上EPA推荐的水平在房主采取惩治行为。
微微居里每公升是怎么氡气在天空中被测量。 测试您的家是唯一的方式知道您和您的家庭是否是在危险中从氡气。
测试对于氡气是容易和只花费几纪录时间。 有许多便宜, “自己动手”氡气测试成套工具可得到通过邮件或从零售批发市场。 您能也雇用专家做测试。
找到一位具有资格的专家, 检查与您的状态氡气联络。有些状态维护在他们的状态工作,并且状态也许有熟练他们自己的节目或要求承包商的名单。 您能也与联系私有跑氡气熟练节目。 EPA知道提供熟练在氡气测试和缓和的二个私有节目。 然而,请注意在任何具体商品的参考, 过程, 或服务由商标, 商标, 制造商, 或否则, 必要不构成或不暗示美国政府签名, 推荐, 或倾向他们。

自然发生的辐射约占80%,我们接触. 我们大多数是室内氡照射,然后从宇宙辐射和地壳. 氡 68%我国遭受自然辐射源通常来自氡. 氡是一种无色、无味、无味的气体,来自衰变铀发现,几乎所有的土壤. 全国各阶层氡. 氡气通常从下向上、房屋和其他建筑物的迁移到其他的洞穴和裂缝的基础. 建筑物内氡的圈套,它可能成为一个健康的危害累积如果不建立适当的通风. 当你呼吸的空气含有大量的氡气,可辐射伤害肺部,最终导致肺癌. 科学家认为,氡是导致肺癌的第二次在美国. 据估计,7000至30000人,每年死于由氡诱发肺癌. 只有吸烟造成的死亡与吸烟更容易得肺癌的风险比氡是吸烟. 控制风险暴露氡 氡是遍布美国. 科学家估计,大约每15家已在该国的氡气含量高于每公升四picocuries,其中一级以上环保局建议,业主采取行动. picocuries就是每公升氡在空气中测量. 测试你家是唯一知道你和你的家人处于危险氡. 氡气测试,很容易你只需几分钟的时间. 有很多种低成本"放下身段DIY"包氡测试可通过邮寄或零售商. 你也可以聘请专业人员做测试. 寻找合格的专业检查国有氡你联系. 一些国家工作人员保持承包商名单,并在其国家有能力5国要求自己或节目. 你也可以联络民办节目氡水平. 环保局了解两个私人开办节目减灾能力测试和氡. 但是,请知道具体提及任何商品、加工、服务的商标名称、商标、制造商,否则并不构成或暗示美国政府支持、建议或主张.