
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/07 01:00:04

Edison (1847~1931) Edison,Thomas Alva American inventor. To the creation of factory laboratories, technology development and to open up avenues of scientific research in close connection with the name lowered history. February 11, 1847 in the Ohio Mailan a Dutch immigrant family. October 18, 1931 in New Jersey Xiaolan in death. Produced only three months of formal education received. 12-year-old has done Bao Tong, hawkers, Rapporteur, to fend for themselves. Because M.Faraday effect in life science research experiments and inventions. In 1868 he invented a recording device to sell to Taiwan votes Congress, but has not been used. Edison first invented so that he did not find the market more attention to the relevance of the invention. 1869, Edison moved to New York from Boston. He improved the indicators cable companies telegraph, the recognition by the manager of the company, employed 300 US dollars monthly salary (which at the time was very high salary). 1870, moved to New Jersey to begin his efficient invention period. 1874 improved typewriters. 1876, to the latter.

In the 19th century, the exchange of transmission system has emerged, but he still insisted on direct current transmission, and with G.Westinghouse Niehaus fierce competition occurred lost
Niagara hydropower project contracts;He blindly testing laboratory magnetic milling equipment, the invention Electric depletion of the funds had to be abandoned. However, Edison electricity in the development, application of electric appliances manufacturing promote the contribution that he became the history of mankind's greatest inventor the world.
爱迪生(1847~1931)Edison,Thomas Alva
美国发明家。以创办工厂实验室、开辟使技术开发与科学研究紧密结合的途径而名垂史册 。1847 年2月11日生于俄亥俄州的迈兰的一个荷兰移民家庭。1931年10月18日于新泽西州西奥兰治逝世 。幼时只受过3个月正规教育 。12岁起做过报童、小贩、报务员等以自谋生计。因受M.法拉第的影响,一生从事电学实验研究和发明。1868年他发明了一台选票记录仪想推销给国会,但没有被采用。爱迪生的第一项发明没有找到市场使他更注意发明的实用性。1869年,爱迪生由波士顿移居纽约。他改进了金指示器电报公司的电报机,得到公司经理的赏识 ,受聘月薪300美元( 这在当时是很高的月薪 )。1870 年 ,移居新泽西州 ,开始他的高效发明时期 。1874年改进了打字机 。1876年 ,给A.G.贝尔发明的电话加装了炭粒话筒,提高了受话的声响。

Edison (1847~1931) Edison,Thomas Alva American inventor. To the creation of factory laboratories, technology development and to open up avenues of scientific research in close connection with the name lowered history. February 11, 1847 in the Ohio Mailan a Dutch immigrant family. October 18, 1931 in New Jersey Xiaolan in death. Produced only three months of formal education received. 12-year-old has done Bao Tong, hawkers, Rapporteur, to fend for themselves. Because M.Faraday effect in life science research experiments and inventions. In 1868 he invented a recording device to sell to Taiwan votes Congress, but has not been used. Edison first invented so that he did not find the market more attention to the relevance of the invention. 1869, Edison moved to New York from Boston. He improved the indicators cable companies telegraph, the recognition by the manager of the company, employed 300 US dollars monthly salary (which at the time was very high salary). 1870, moved to New Jersey to begin his efficient invention period. 1874 improved typewriters. 1876, to the latter.

In the 19th century, the exchange of transmission system has emerged, but he still insisted on direct current transmission, and with G.Westinghouse Niehaus fierce competition occurred lost
Niagara hydropower project contracts;He blindly testing laboratory magnetic milling equipment, the invention Electric depletion of the funds had to be abandoned. However, Edison electricity in the development, application of electric appliances manufacturing promote the contribution that he became the history of mankind's greatest inventor the world.
爱迪生(1847~1931)Edison,Thomas Alva
美国发明家。以创办工厂实验室、开辟使技术开发与科学研究紧密结合的途径而名垂史册 。1847 年2月11日生于俄亥俄州的迈兰的一个荷兰移民家庭。1931年10月18日于新泽西州西奥兰治逝世 。幼时只受过3个月正规教育 。12岁起做过报童、小贩、报务员等以自谋生计。因受M.法拉第的影响,一生从事电学实验研究和发明。1868年他发明了一台选票记录仪想推销给国会,但没有被采用。爱迪生的第一项发明没有找到市场使他更注意发明的实用性。1869年,爱迪生由波士顿移居纽约。他改进了金指示器电报公司的电报机,得到公司经理的赏识 ,受聘月薪300美元( 这在当时是很高的月薪 )。1870 年 ,移居新泽西州 ,开始他的高效发明时期 。1874年改进了打字机 。1876年 ,给A.G.贝尔发明的电话加装了炭粒话筒,提高了受话的声响。
