how能变成anyhow:Characters of Shakespeare' s Four Tragedies

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/03 18:05:35

Shakespeare has written more than four tragedies. His tragedies include:

Romeo and Juliet
Troilus and Cressida
Titus Andronicus
Timon of Athens
Julius Caesar
King Lear
Antony and Cleopatra

If you want to find more information about these plays, plenty of information is available on the internet.

For more information go to the end of this webpage:

There are links to information about each of these plays.

Four Tragedies

Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth
Othello : Othello (the General, a Moor)
Desdemona (his wife)
Iago ( the villain, Othello's Ancient / Ensign)
Emilia ( Iago's wife, Des' friend)
Cassio ( a Venetian gentleman)
Bianca ( Cas' mistress)
Brabantio ( Des' father, a Senator)
the Duke ( the highst ruler of Venice)
Monator (the Governor of Cyprus, to be replaced by Othello)