
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/04 02:34:02
"Bloggers and blog-readers are 'influentials' the minority that pays attention to events outside of political and news cycles. They also tend on average to be better off, better educated and, more importantly, employed."

Bloggers and blog-readers are 'influentials' the minority that pays attention to events outside of political and news cycles. They also tend on average to be better off, better educated and, more importantly, employed."


"博客人们 和 博客- 读者是 '有影响的' 注意事件的少数在政治上的外面而且新闻循环。 他们也一般说来倾向境况更好 , 比较好的受过教育的而且,更重要,雇用。"

Bloggers 和博客-读者是 '有影响的' 注意事件的少数在政治上的外面和新闻周期。 他们也一般说来倾向更富有 , 比较好的受过教育的而且,更重要,雇用了。"