孕妇梦见泥石流山滑坡:请问在国外“Career Day”是什么意思?

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/04 10:50:52
"Mary Dixon Lebeau?" the voice asked, stumbling over my last name. "Hi. This is Linda Goodparent from the Cross County Elementary School. I'm on the Careers Day committee, and some of the committee members said you'd be a good choice to represent the newspaper on Career Day."

Chicken Soup for the Working Woman's Soul
by Jack Canfield,
Mark Victor Hansen, Patty Aubery, Chrissy and Mark

Career Day 可以翻译成"职业介绍日". 是学校的一个主题日,这一天要请来几位嘉宾,分别给孩子们介绍一下各自的职业,增进孩子们对各个职业的了解,激发孩子们的兴趣,目的是希望对他们今后的择业有帮助.
So that's how I found myself at this particular Career Day, explaining beats and deadlines and inverted pyramids to the ten-and-under set. The agenda was simple - each of the guests would give a brief, under-five-minute explanation of their work, then answer questions from the crowd. Later, we would take our places at booths in the cafeteria, and the kids could wander around and learn more about the jobs that most interested them.


我们学校有职业career week`当时就是很多公司到学校,给学生提供一些就业放面的信息了`