长期吃扑尔敏的副作用:评Sophie Scholl: The Final Days

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/04 13:14:03
我是说分析它的 问题.


“Sophie Scholl” is a well made, well acted, but too liberally fictionalized depiction of the last days of one of the members of “White Rose,” who protested against the Nazi regime in Munich in 1943. Selective use of archival materials from the GDR has made for an account consisting of details correct in themselves, but leaving a rather misleading overall impression. The interrogation of Sophie displaces the rest of the story. It’s “White Rose” meets “Darkness at Noon.” This film seems to be the culmination of the persistent efforts of surviving members of the Scholl family—no anti-Nazis themselves—to build up the mystique of Sophie and Hans at the expense of the other members of “White Rose,” and to portray them as more Christian and less bohemian than they actually were. This film represents steps in the wrong direction from Michael Verhoeven’s 1982 counterpart, “The White Rose.” Although not as cinematic, that film’s period look and feel were more authentic than the present film. It told much more of the story. For some reason, at its climax the present film heavily downplays the gruesomeness and squalor of execution by guillotine in Nazi Germany. Germans can point to banefully few Nazi-era examples of valor like that of the members of “White Rose.” Somehow, this fevered attempt to reinvent Sophie Scholl as a preternaturally heroic, latter-day Joan of Arc does not seem particularly helpful. She was flesh and blood like the rest of us.

德国导演马克·罗斯曼生于1968年。他曾担任过海穆·特迪特、多米尼克·格拉夫、杰拉尔·克比奥等导演的助理。1997年,罗斯曼开始与电视剧作家Fred Breinersdorfer合作,两人共同为犯罪题材的电视剧“Anwalt Abel”创作了其中的两集。1998年,罗斯曼在巴伐利亚电影节上荣获最佳青年导演奖,他的电影导演生涯也由此开始。1999年,罗斯曼完成了自己的第二部影片《我的宝贝会乱说话》,170万人次的上座人数使该片成为当年票房最佳的德国影片之一。
马克·罗斯曼于2004年执导的这部《希望与反抗》改编自二战时期德国反战组织“白玫瑰”领导人索菲的真实故事,是一部政治味浓郁的电影,德国女星Julia Jentsch在片中扮演德国著名民族女英雄索菲·斯库勒,把这位民族英雄的智慧和勇敢演绎得淋漓尽致。 本片荣获了2005年第55届柏林国际电影节最佳导演、最佳女演员。


这部片子的精彩在于索菲与警探的对峙,这场持续了三天三夜的较量从一开始就有着明显的不公平性,索菲的弱势地位以及警探咄咄逼人的气势让较量注定会走向一个极端,然而,在此过程中索菲所表现出的意志和信念使得这场周旋有了迟滞感,并不如警探预期的那样顺利,于是两人在精神上僵持、抗衡,最后身心疲惫。随着审讯中的交锋渐次深入,索菲的情绪逐渐镇定,从起初的忐忑不安到后来接受死刑的淡定。影片中,索非拒绝警探将所有责任和“罪行”都推到哥哥身上的要求,义正言辞的辩驳那些出于一己之私的“逃脱”。而在 这场审问中,导演巧妙的借用了索菲在监狱里舍友的旁敲侧击,从爱情和家庭两个方面丰富了人物形象,弥补了女主人公人物性格中“柔性不足、刚性有余”的错觉。