
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/06 15:02:50

Hangzhou (Chinese: 杭州; Hanyu Pinyin: Hángzhōu; Wade-Giles: Hang-chou) is a sub-provincial city in China, and the capital of Zhejiang province. Located 180 km southwest of Shanghai, the population in the city proper is now 1.75 million. By the end of 2003, Hangzhou had a registered population of 6.4 million including an urban registered population of 3.9 million. As one of the most renowned and prosperous cities in China for much of the last 1,000 years, Hangzhou is also well known for its beautiful natural scenery, with the West Lake (Xī Hú, 西湖) as the most noteworthy location.
Hangzhou is located in northern Zhejiang province, eastern China, at the southern end of the Grand Canal of China, on the plain of the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River (Cháng Jiāng). The prefecture-level region of Hangzhou extends west to the border with the hilly-country Anhui Province, and east to the flat-land Hangzhou Bay. The city centre is built around the eastern and northern sides of the West Lake, just north of the Qiantang River.


虎跑:tiger spring/tiger running spring,倒还不如翻成tiger digging spring,虎跑其实是虎刨的通假。
柳浪闻莺:orioles singing in the willows,浪得虚名,少了一个浪的形容,意境差好多,而且,莺其实很少。
西湖天地:west lake heaven and earth,真是逐字逐句,字字珠玑啊。
南屏晚钟:evening bell ringing at nanping hill.接下去的描述里,多有with its bell ringing in mornings and evenings…strike the bell to ring out the old year and ring in the new year…的字句,看得人都想唱jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle all the way…
the tower of lake joining sky in green,这个我到现在都没猜出来是哪个景点,阮墩环碧?
西泠印社:xiling seal society,原来是个组织,一直以为是地名。
小瀛洲:xiaoying islet/lesser ying islet/the island of little oceans,最后一个最夸张。
三潭印月:three pools mirroring the moon,我一直以为三潭指的是湖中心那三个宝塔一样的东西,谁知道,三潭还真的是三个潭,三个池塘啊,but where?
双峰插云:two peaks embracing the sky,插云变抱天了,不过就象形来说,也还不错。

最长见识的是,六和塔:six harmonies pagoda,也就是看了这个翻译之后,我才知道,六和塔,真的是六个和的塔啊:harmony of the body, speech and thought and the renunciation of personal pleasure, opinions and wealth,又查了中文:
依《大乘义章》开示:六和敬者,同止安乐不恼行也,起行不乖名之为“和”,以行和故情相亲重,目之为“敬”,和敬不同,一门说六。六名是何?即所谓(一) 身业同。身业同者,略有二种:(1)“离过同”,同离杀盗邪淫等事;(2)“作善同”,同为一切礼拜等善。
还看见有说六和是:harmonies of the heaven, earth, north, south, east and west,这个,好像是粗糙了点。

没有比这句话更苦大仇深的了:After 40 years’ constant development and construction, the previous imperial garden now turns out to be a fairyland for common people.

这个购物指南,有趣:One great place to souvenir shop in Hangzhou is the market that opens every evening on Wushan Road. Here you can avoid the high prices at Hangzhou's many tourist shops. Bargaining is not only recommended, it is required! Bargain hard and you will go home with some great deals. Also, Hangzhou has a great outdoor silk market called the China Silk City (Zhongguo Sichou Cheng) on Fengqi Lu that runs for two blocks. This market street is long! Most of the silk is artificial (real is too expensive for most people), but most of the stalls will have some real silk. If you are looking for something indoors and without the stress of bargaining, explore stores like the Hangzhou Friendship Store or the shops along Jiefang Road or Yan'an Road.

但凡有遇到树林的地方,一律是forest,别无二词,我是住在高高的兴安岭一片大森林呢,还是在热带雨林,deep forest。疑惑中…