
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/04 08:59:18

Bai Juyi

772-846 ,字乐天,太原(今属山西)人。唐德宗朝进士,元和三年(808)左拾遗,后贬江州(今属江西)司马,移忠州(今属四川)刺史,又为苏州今属江苏)、同州(今属陕西大荔)刺史。晚居洛阳,自号醉吟先生、香山士。其诗政治倾向鲜明,重讽喻,尚坦易,为中唐大家。也是早期词人中的佼佼者,所作对后世影响甚大。

772-846, the word carefree, Taiyuan (Shanxi this is). Tangdezong the Scholars, and three yuan (808) Zuoshiyi, after continued Jiangzhou (this is Jiangxi) Sima, have Zhongzhou (this is a Sichuan) governor, and this is for the Suzhou Jiangsu), with the state (this is a Shaanxi Gansu) governor. Night in Luoyang, since of us moan, Mr. Fragrance Hill disabilities. Its distinctive poetry political tendencies, the topic, yet Tanzanian Yi, Chinese Tang everyone. Early word is the player who made a great impact on future generations.

