
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/09/21 07:56:37
Test Driven Development with Struts
Test Driven Development (TDD) is all the rage. Unlike most development fads, this one has staying power. TDD
began in the Agile Development community (http://www.agilealliance.com) and Extreme Programming (XP).
Although originally espoused by XP, the mainstream uses TDD, which requires fast running, automated tests.
The purpose of TDD is to draw out what functionality is really needed, rather than what the programmer thinks
is needed. Developing software in a J2EE environment can be fairly tough with its somewhat complex deployment requirements and dependencies on the J2EE container. Add to that the Struts framework and its complexities, and fast automated testing becomes essential. Why essential you ask? It is essential because of speed! By the
time you can deploy and smoke test a feature or bug fix, you could do it four times using TDD.

测试被驾驶的发展(TDD) 是所有愤怒。 不同于多数发展风尚, 这一个有持久力。 TDD
开始了在敏捷发展社区(http://万维网。agilealliance 。com) 和极端编程(XP) 。
虽然由XP 最初拥护, 主流使用TDD, 哪些要求快速的赛跑, 自动化的测试。
TDD 的目的将画什么功能是真正地需要的, 而不是什么程序员认为
是需要的。 显现出的软件在J2.EE 环境里可能是相当坚韧的以它的有些复杂部署要求和附庸在J2.EE 容器。 增加来那高视阔步框架和它的复杂, 并且快速地自动化的测试变得根本。 为什么根本您要求? 它是根本的由于速度! 由
您能部署和烟测试特点或臭虫固定的时间, 您能做它四次使用TDD 。