
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/06 11:02:13
A shor time ago,While making researches in Royal Library for my History of Louis XIV,I stumbled by chance upon the Memoris of M'D Artagnan,printed-as were most of the works of that perriod,in Which authors could not tell the truth without the risk of a residence, more or less long ,in the Bastille-at Amsterdam,by Pierre Rouge
即 printed-as………………in the Bastille -at Amsterdam 是做状语的吗?

很短的时间以前,同时又使我对历史研究的皇家图书馆路易十四,我无心插柳的偶然经memorisM ' 肥胖D、印制的,多数人的作品,perriod,使作家无法不说实话的风险居留,或多或少长期在米兰,在阿姆斯特丹,由高棉皮埃尔
