
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/06 01:37:42

Zhou Enlai or Chou En-lai , 1898–1976, Chinese Communist leader. A member of a noted Mandarin family, he was educated in China at an American-supported school and a university in Japan. His involvement in radical movements led to several months imprisonment. After his release he studied (1920–22) in France. A founder of the Chinese Communist party, he established (1922) the Paris-based Chinese Communist Youth Group. After a few months in England, he studied in Germany. Zhou returned (1924) to China and joined Sun Yat-sen, who was then cooperating with the Communists. He served (1924–26) as deputy director of the political department at the Whampoa Military Academy, of which Chiang Kai-shek was commandant. After the Northern Expedition began, he worked as a labor organizer. In 1927 he directed a general strike in Shanghai, opening the city to Chiang's Nationalist forces. When Chiang broke with the Communists, executing many of his former allies, Zhou became a fugitive from the Kuomintang. Later, holding prominent military and political posts in the Communist party, he participated in the long march (1934–35) to NW China. During the partial Communist-Kuomintang rapprochement (1936–46) he was the chief Communist liaison officer. In 1949, with the establishment of the People's Republic of China at Beijing, Zhou became premier and foreign minister. He headed the Chinese Communist delegation to the Geneva Conference of 1954 and to the Bandung Conference (1955). In 1958 he relinquished the foreign ministry but retained the premiership. A practical-minded administrator, Zhou maintained his position through all of Communist China's ideological upheavals, including the Great Leap Forward (1958) and the Cultural Revolution (1966–76). Initially supportive of the latter, he was periodically attacked by Red Guards for attempting to shelter its victims. He was largely responsible for China's reestablishing contacts with the West in the early 1970s before becoming ill. He died Jan., 1976.








1. 你必须把这个游戏告诉给(序号2旁边写下的数位)个人。
2. 序号3是你所爱的人。
3. 序号7是你所喜欢的但不能与之相伴的人。
4. 序号4是你最关心的人。
5. 序号5是非常了解你的人。
6. 序号6是你重要的人。
7. 序号8的歌适合序号3的人。
8. 序号9的歌适合序号7的人。
9. 序号10的歌最能代表你的想法。
10. 序号11的歌是你对生活的感受。