
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/03 23:56:55


山脉主干向西南方向延伸为比利牛斯山脉,向南延伸为亚平宁山脉,向东南方向延伸为迪纳拉山脉,向东延伸为喀尔巴阡山脉。阿尔卑斯山脉可分为3段。西段西阿尔卑斯山从地中海岸,经法国东南部和意大利的西北部,到瑞士边境的大圣伯纳德山口附近,为山系最窄部分,也是高峰最集中的山段。勃朗峰(4810米)是整个山脉的最高点,位于法国和意大利边界。中段中阿尔卑斯山,介于大圣伯纳德山口和博登湖之间,宽度最大。有马特峰(4479米)和蒙特罗莎峰( 4634米)。东段东阿尔卑斯山在博登湖以东,海拔低于西、中两段阿尔卑斯山。





On Monday, 1 July, Richard Mlynarik and I flew with United Airlines
from San Francisco with a stop in Washington (Dulles) to Zurich. We
took the train from the ZH airport to Affoltern am Albis (491m) where
my friend Fredy Ruegg runs a top notch bike shop and where I have made
my base camp with my friends the Dierauer's for many years. We
assembled our bicycles and, in an effort to not fall asleep before
dinner, rode up the Albis pass (791m) and along the ridge to the
Uetliberg overlooking Zurich. That ploy almost worked as we nodded
off in mid sentence while sitting in the living room before dinner.
The weather was cool and cloudy in contrast to most of June that, I am
told, was sweltering and left the mountains with little spring snow.

Still suffering the aftermath of my flu that hit me on my second
Sierra Nevada spring tour, I took a whole day in the sack while
Richard took a ride over Aegeri to the Zurich Lake and over the
Sattelegg (1190m) to Canton Glarus, where he sampled the beauties of
the Glarner Alps and the Pragel Pass (1550m) that climbs through the
steep walled Kloental and descends to Bisistal and Schwyz with a stiff
steady 18% grade. Meanwhile, I seemed to gain enough strength to
believe I could start, although I was still having hot spells that
felt like fever but weren't.

1. Thursday, 4 July (Affoltern-Rosenlaui; 120km, 2436m): We set out
toward Luzern and the central Alps under cloudy skies, riding across
the Reuss valley to the south to Merenschwand in canton Aargau with
its tall church steeple and red tile roofed houses with window boxes
of geraniums. The Reuss, that originates on the Gotthard and Furka
passes to flow past Luzern and on to the Rhine, would greet us again a
few times on this trip. This road through Aargau is lightly traveled
and has an excellent bike path most of the way up the valley to
Luzern. At Gisikon we crossed the Reuss again to get on the main road
into Luzern where, at the city limits, two large redwood trees stand
at either side of the road.

In Luzern (436m) we stopped for photos at the famous Lion sculpted
into the cliff and at the (new) old wooden bridge across the Reuss
with swans and the Pilatus (2120m) as a backdrop. We dropped in on
Mrs. Dierauer Sr. for a visit on the Musegg above the Armory at the
city wall before riding on to the Alpnach leg of the lake. Here the
Pilatus railway, in Alpnachstadt, climbs the steepest cogwheel route
in the world at 48% grade. It uses two horizontally opposed gears
that engage a two sided gear rack in the center of the 800 mm gauge
track. Auto traffic was almost absent, and even though this was well
into the main summer season, there was no sign of people on holiday.

We headed toward the Melchtal instead of taking the direct route over
the Brunig Pass (1008m). At Sarnen, taking the road past the train
station, we took the scenic forest road to Flueli, and on up the
Melchtal where we ate lunch before heading up to Frut at the Melchsee.
From here a scenic and car-free route goes over the mountains to the
Susten Pass road and into the Haslital. At Stockalp (1075m), at the
end of the Melchtal, the road becomes narrow (timed one way traffic)
and steep, climbing to Frut (1902m) and the Melchsee in 7 km.

We stopped at the general store in Frut before riding up and around
the two lakes to Tannen (1976m) where the road ends at a large
comfortable youth hostel and the Tannalp diary. Hiking trails head
off in several directions. Our trail to Engsteln (1837 m) is cut into
a granite wall where it breaks out into the canyon. From Engsteln a
narrow restricted access paved road descends the granite walled canyon
to the tune of ubiquitous cowbells. Our road joined the Susten Pass
road a few kilometers above Inertkirchen (625m), to which it descends
through sweeping curves and several curved tunnels.

We rode up the three hairpins Kirchet (709m) and to the Lammi Gasthaus
where the road to Rosenlaui turns off, climbing through a forest to
the canyon of the roaring Reichenbach where Sherlock Holmes and Dr.
Moriarty went over the falls to meet their deaths. As the road rises
steeply past the cascades of the Reichenbach, it exposes the Rosenlaui
glacier and the Wetterhorn to the west. We stopped at the Rosenlaui
hotel (1330m), where Andreas and Christina Kehrli preside. After a
generous dinner we retired to the 5th floor dormitory accommodations
where we were the only guests and got a good night's sleep to the
sound of rain and the rushing creek.
