
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/03 18:24:21
1.Why are afraid to sunbathe?(狗为什么害怕日光浴)
2.Why is the pig always eating?(猪为什么没完没了地吃)
3.Why are politicians no word concerned with snowball fights?(政客们为什么不再关注打雪仗了)
4.What is the longest word in the word ?(世界上最长的单词是什么)
5.Where can dog get another tail?(狗去哪里可以再弄到一条尾巴)

They don't want to be hot-dog.
He's making a hog of himself. 它想成为一只肉猪。
The cold war is over. 冷战结束了。
Smiles. Because there's a mile between the letter's'.
At a retail store. 在零售商店。