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每天都要接触的人, 如何来形容他们呢? 我整理了一些跟「人」有关的字词, 从「体型」、「个性」到对于人的「绰号」都有喔! 你是哪一种人呢?


1. 瘦

thin (瘦)

slim (苗条)

skinny (非常瘦)

skin and bone(s) (皮包骨的瘦)

boney (皮包骨的瘦)

scrawny (有点惨不忍睹的瘦)

lean (瘦 - 用于有运动习惯的人)

2. 圆

chubby (圆圆的; 胖胖的)

overweight (超过标准体重的 - 形容人「圆」较有礼貌的字之一)

round (圆圆的)

fat (胖- 较没有礼貌的字)

obese (肥胖 - 通常用在医学上)

3. 高


lengthy (高且瘦)

leggy (长腿 - 用于形容女性)

big (高 - 但不瘦)

4. 短

short (矮)

petite (娇小 - 指女子)

small (娇小 - 指女子)

5. 皮肤

dark complexioned (肤色黑的)

tanned (褐色/古铜色的)

a perfection complexion (好皮肤)

freckles (雀斑 - 复数)

pimples (痘痘 - 复数)

wrinkles (皱纹 - 复数)

6. cheapskate 小气鬼

A: Larry wants me to buy him a new CD simply because I accidentally scratched the back of his CD case.

A: Larry 要我买一个新的 CD 还他, 因为我不小心把他的 CD 盒的背面括到了。

B: I'm not surprised. He's known as a cheapskate.

B: 我并不感到惊讶。他是有名的「小气鬼」。

说一个人小气时, 用 "cheap" 就可以了。如: "He is very cheap." 他这个人很小气。

7. stinker 令人讨厌的人

A: Why did you invite Tom? He is such a stinker.

A: 你干嘛邀 Tom 哩! 他是个很讨厌的人。

B: I didn't want him to come. He invited himself.

B: 我不想要他来的, 他自己请他自己来的!

"stink" 是「臭; 讨厌」的意思。" You stink." 除了可以指「你(真的)很臭」, 也可以指「你这个人很令人讨厌」。

8. geek 土包子; 书呆子

A: Have you seen Frank Lately?

A: 你最近有没有看到 Frank?

B: The geek?

B: 那个土包子吗?

B: No. He changed completely. He's a babe now.

B: 没有! 他完全变了。 他现在是个大帅哥!

各位都记得你的国中毕业纪念册里的那张照片吧! 是不是打死都不想承认那是你呢?那时的土模样就是很"geeky"(土气)。美国的孩子比台湾的孩子早熟些, 很多小孩子很早就打扮的美美的了。于是有不少字就被创造(字典上没有的字)出来挖苦那些「不知跟进」的人。如"geek"、"nerd"、"dork"等。

9. jerk 差劲、没品的人

A: Can you believe that? David sold the bike that he borrowed from me to somebody else.

A: 你相信吗? David 把相我借的脚踏车卖人啦。

B: Really? What a jerk !

B: 真的吗? 好差劲的人啊!

不知道为什么, 我的英汉字典都告诉我 "jerk" 是「愚蠢的人」。 其实 "jerk" 在美语中(形容人时)是用来指「差劲」、 「没品」的人。

10. babe 帅哥; 美女

A: A good thing about living by the pool is you get to see all the babes.

A: 住在游泳池旁的好处之一, 就是你可以看这些美女们。

B: That figures.

B: 那当然!

"That figures." 是那当然的意思。

黛西住的三楼望下去就是游泳池。因为到目前为止还没见过帅哥, 有时也看看漂亮的美眉过干瘾

11. Good Samaritan 仁慈心善的人

"Good Samaritan" (仁慈心善的人)一词是源于圣经的一段耶稣与一个撒马利亚妇人的故事而来的。耶稣在传福音时路经撒马利亚。他因走路困乏, 就坐在井边休息。正好遇见一撒马利亚妇人来打水, 于是耶稣向她要水喝。在当时, 撒马利亚人和犹太人是一向互不往来的, 然而这名妇人却给了身为犹太人的耶稣水喝。耶稣也藉此机会和这为妇人谈福音。(整段故事可见翰福音四章)后来的人就因这段故事, 把 Good Samaritan 引申为仁慈心善的人。比如927的台湾大地震默默帮助灾民的这些人, 都是现在美语里称的 "Good Samaritan"。

12. bastard 王八蛋

A: Some bastard stole my credit number to purchase a vacuum cleaner?.

A: 某个王八蛋盗用我的信用卡号买了个吸尘器。

B: That sucks.

B: 怎么那么差劲!

忽然发现骂人的字还真不少哩! 这些字看看就好了, 不要拿来骂人啊!

13. dirty old man 老不修

A: Hey! Your baby sister is quite a cutie.

A: 嘿! 你小妹长得真是满可爱(漂亮)的。

B: Leave her alone. You dirty old man.

B: 你少碰她! 老不修!

"dirty old man" 应该就是指那种有「恋童症」的人吧!

14. mean (心眼儿; 态度)坏; 凶

After I told him that I wasn't going to buy the car, the salesman became very mean towards me.

我跟那个汽车销售员说我并不打算买那不车后, 他变的对我态度恶劣。

"mean" 是用来表示态度或心眼儿不好很常用的字。好比有人故意做些雪上加霜的事, 就可以说"He is a mean person." (他这个人很坏)。抱起朋友家的猫, 结果被猫抓了一把, 朋友也可以对猫说: "You're a mean cat."

15. hottie (身材好的)俊男/美女

A: Did you see that hottie over there?

A: 你看到那边那个辣妹没有?

B: Yeah. She is my girlfriend.!

B: 嗯! 她是我的女朋友。

"hottie" 是用来形容面貌姣好, 身材又赞的男女。
16. noodlehead 傻子

A: You don't put aluminum-foil in the microwave oven, noodlehead! You could've started a fire.

A: 你不可以(不应该)把铝箔纸放到微波炉里去的! 你有可能引起一场火灾的。

B: I didn't know that.

B: 我不知道的嘛!

"noodle" 除了常见的复数形当「面条」外, 单数形还有「傻瓜」的意思。它和这里的 "noodlehead" 都是「傻瓜」的意思喔!

17. yellow-belly 胆小鬼

A: Aaaaaah! Who is there?

A: 哇呀! 谁在那儿?

B: Norton, you yellow-belly. That's your own shadow.

B: Norton, 你这胆小鬼。那是你自己的影子啊!

还没碰到那个美国人知道为什么"yellow-belly"(黄肚皮)是「胆小鬼」 (coward) 的意思。还有一个我们比较熟悉的字意相近的字是"chicken", 也是有「胆小」、「过于害羞」的意思。

18. killer 了不起的人(事); 很好看的人

A: Ain't she a killer?

A: 她真是个大美女, 不是吗?

B: I know. Look at those legs.

B: 是啊! 看(她)那双腿!

"killer"除了指「很好看的人」外, 还有「很了不起的人或事」的意思。比方你的朋友完成了一个你觉得很棒很棒的设计, 你就可以对他说:"That's a killer."。甚至你听到一首很棒的歌曲, 你也可以说:"That song's a killer."。

19. snob 自负的人; 攀龙附凤的人

A: Why don't you talk to Barnett any more?

A: 你为什么不再和 Barnett 讲话了呢?

B: I don't hang out with snobs.

B: 我不和自大的人作朋友(在一起)的。

"snob" 是指因自己的财势或成就而「眼睛长在头上」的人。你也以说这些人"full of themselves", 因为他们满脑子里都是「我真了不起!」的想法。

"snob" 也可以指对谄上傲下的人。

20. a fossil 古板守旧的人

A: I can't believe that fossil downstairs called the police about the noise.

A: 我不敢相信楼下那个化石(守旧的人)因为这点声音(噪音)就打电话报警了!

B: He could've talked to you about it.

B: 他可以跟你讲一下嘛。

用"a fossil"「化石」来形容人的古板, 蛮好玩的吧!
21. down-to-earth 实在的

A: I had a chance to chat with Dr. Lee last time. I was totally surprised to find out that a famous person like him can be so down-to-earth.

A: 我上次有机会跟 Dr. Lee 闲聊。 我很惊讶地发现一个像他这样有名气的人竟然可以这样的真实纯朴。

B: Really? Tell me more about it.

B: 真的啊? 再跟我多讲一点!

有些时候, 我们可能会看到一些人为因为本身的一些所谓的「名气」与「成就」, 而流露出一种「高高在上、不可一世」的感觉。不过还是有不少的人虽然在社会上或学术上表现优异, 但其言谈举止, 甚至思想都是那么地谦逊、实在而不虚浮。这样的特质就是一种"down-to-earth"的表现。当然, 有【低低在地】(这里的"earth"是「地」的意思。)的个性的不只可以在「名人堆」里找, 你的朋友里面就有拥有这些可爱的性格的人喔!

22. sweet 替人设想的

A: I knew you couldn't make it last night so I've got some of the food from the party saved up for you.

A: 我知道你昨晚不能来, 所以我把聚会吃的东西留了一些起来给你。

B: You did? Oh! That's so sweet of you, Carol.

B: 真的啊? Carol, 你真是太好了!

形容一个人的心地好的字眼常用的有像"nice"、"kind"等等。"sweet" 这个字可以用在男或女的身上。 当我们说"She's a very sweet person." 就是来形容这个人的个性中有喜欢替别人设想的特质。这样子的人通常应该也是个 "caring" (关心别人)的人喔!

(注)"make it" 在【道地土美语】第二页第十句里曾出现过, 有「做到、出席到一个地方」的意思。

23. tomboy 男孩子气的女孩子

A: Are you sure a pretty girl like you never got a single date in high school?

A: 你确定像你这么漂亮的女孩子在高中的时候连一个约会都没有过吗?

B: Back then, I used to be a tomboy. Nobody was really interested in me.

B: 那时候, 我一直都是一个男孩子气的的女孩子。没有什么人真的对我有意思过。

不少漂亮的女孩子都是到高中毕业后才真正开始蜕变成天鹅。 这里的 "tomboy" 指的是行为举止都比较像男孩子的女孩子。"tomcat" 则是「雄猫」的意思。

第一句里的"single"其实就是前面的"a" (one)的意思, 放在这里只是用来更强调"one"字, 好象是中文里的「连一个都没有」的「连」字的作用是一样的。

24. wet blanket 扫兴的人

A: I can't go with you guys. I've really got to hit the books.

A: 我不能跟你们去。我真的必须K书。

B: Come on! Don't be a wet blanket. Everybody's going. You can study after we come back.

B: 好啦! 别这么扫兴了! 大家都要去。你可以等我们回来再看书嘛!

"blanket" 的原意是「毯子」的意思。美语里面有用"a wet blanket"(湿毯子)来形容「扫兴的人」。我并不清楚为什么, 是因为湿的毯子盖了很不太舒服吗? 不知道! 我乱想的!

"hit the books" 在【道地土美语】第八页第四十句里也出现过, 是「念书」的意思。

25. workaholic 工作狂

A: My wife has been very upset about my bad habit of staying late at work.

A: 我太太对我喜欢晚下班的坏习惯很不开心。

B: I've been there. My husband used to be a workaholic until I gave him an ultimatum. His work addiction almost ruined our relationship.

B: 我是过来人。我先生以前一直是个工作狂, 直到我向他下了最后通牒。他的沉迷于工作基乎毁了我们的感情。

对于「沉迷于酒」的人我们叫他"an alcoholic", 对于放不下工作的人呢, 美语就叫"a workaholic"「工作狂」, 蛮好玩的吧!


"I've been there."(原意:我到过那里)在口语里有「我是过来人」的意思。
26. bully 恃强欺弱; 恃强欺弱的人

A: Why do you always seem to get mad every time Meg is around?

A: 为什么每次 Meg 在的时候你就好象很生气?

B: She used to bully me in high school.

B: 初(高)中时她常常欺负我。

也许你会记得小学时, 班上总有一、二个学生也许因为自己块头大一些, 也许朋友多一些, 专业喜欢挑一些同学来欺负, 这种行为和这样的人都算是 "bully" 。 有些 "bullies" 长大后还是喜欢找人家的麻烦的。

27. airhead 笨蛋

A: Don't bring this up to him again, airhead. How can I get this through your thick head?

A: 不要再跟他提起这件事了。 我要怎么样才让你这个又硬又厚的头搞懂呢?

B: Hey! Don't call me an airhead. That's rude.

B: 嘿! 别叫我「笨蛋」啊! 很没礼貌ㄝ!

美语里面用来骂人家「笨蛋」的字好象还不少哩! 除了"airhead" (头壳空空) 外, 也有人用"meathead" (肉头), 听懂就好了。

28. knockout 绝色美女; 极出色的东西

A: How do I look?

A: 我看起来怎么样?

B: You know, you're a knockout.

B: 你知道你是个绝色美女。

虽然形容漂亮的字眼不少, "knockout" 却只用来形容非凡的美, 可以用来形容女孩子或物品。

"knockout" 原来是指拳击里的「击倒」的动作, 常作"K.O."。喜欢玩电玩的朋友可能会看过。像「铁拳」(Tekken) 就有。

29 psycho 疯子

A: I've had enough of that psycho. I don't want to deal with her any more.

A: 我受够那个疯子了。我不想再跟她有任何瓜葛。

B: Please, Ryne. I believe it's only a misunderstanding.

B: 不要这样子, Ryne。我相信这只是一场误会罢了。

"psycho" 和 "psychopath"、" nut" 等都是「疯子」的意思。就是中文一样, 被形容成疯子的人也许只是一时对一些事情反应激烈, 而不见得是真正的精神病患。"psycho" 本身也是形容词, 同样有「疯了」或「精神病的」的意思。

30. plain Jane 外表平凡的女孩子

A: I can't believe he married that plain Jane when he could have any girl he wanted.

A: 我不敢相信他娶了那个长相如此平凡的女孩子。他可以要和谁在一起就和谁在一起的。

B: Looks aren't everything. Maybe it's her heart of gold that he fell in love with.

B: 外貌不是一切。或许他爱上的是她的一颗美丽的心。

"plain Jane" (平凡的珍)是用来形容外貌不出众的女孩子。

"heart of gold."(原意: 金做的心)是「内心良善」的意思。

嗯...这好象又是一篇骂人篇。不知道为什么, 常常在整里这些东西的时候会觉得好象找骂人的字比找赞美人的字容易些。写这么多负面的字眼真是都不太好意思...

31. brown-noser 奉承/巴结的人

A: Hmmm... Do you think Professor Covington will like this perfume?

A: 嗯...你觉得 Covington 教授会不会喜欢这个香水呢?

B: You're such a brown-noser!

B: 你真是个马屁精!

在「流行酷语」第一页里曾经提到过一个叫 "kiss ass" 的俚语, 意思是「拍马屁」的意思。这里的"brown-noser"也跟「亲屁屁」有关。它的动词"brown-nose", 是形容一个人爱巴结讨好人家, 甘愿爱亲人家的屁屁, 亲到鼻子都变咖啡色了。为什么呢? 嗯...这个应该是不必多解释的吧! ^_^

美语里形容奉承巴结的词语除了"brown-nose" 外, "kiss someone's feet" 「亲某人的脚」 和 "lick someone's boots" 「舔某人的靴」等也都是蛮常用的。

32. sell-out 出卖人家的人

A: I can't believe Dan, the person I trusted so much turned out to be a complete sell-out.

A: 我无法相信 Dan, 这个我曾经这么信任的人竟然是个出卖我的人。

B: Man, I don't even know what to say. He really blew me away, too.

B: 唉, 我都不知道该说什么才好。 他也真是让我始料未及。

这「吵架篇」第二页里面写到"stab a person in the back" 「背后捅刀; 出卖某人」这个词语时, 我们曾经顺便提到有另一个和它意思相近的词是"sell a person out"。这里的"sell-out" 则是这个"selling a person out"的名词形, 可以指「出卖人家的人」或是「出卖人的行为」。

上面的对话里, 还有另外一个我们之前也有看过的词语是"blow one away"(blew one away 的原在式)。在「流行酷语」的第十一页里时, 它的意思是形容某人的表现太过优异, 令人在佩服之外感到十分的震撼。不过在这里, 这个词语倒跟佩服毫无关系。这里的"blow one away"应该可以翻作我们口语里面讲的「被打败的感觉」。因为没有想到过对方会是那样子的人, 当事情发生了才有一种「怎么可能!」的震撼和惊讶。

33. weirdo 怪人; 怪胎

A: Stop bouncing up and down, you weirdo!

A: 不要跳来跳去的, 怪人!

B: I'm happy!

B: 我很开心嘛!


想顺便写一下关于"weird"和"strange"这二个都是「奇怪」的意思的词。在台湾, 我们好象多半会用"strange", 而不太会用"weird"。不过在美国好象就刚好相反了。这二个字其实意思上没什么太大的分别, 也许可以说, "weird" 在「奇怪的程度上」比"strange"稍微强烈一点。总之, 当要用「奇怪」这个字的时候, 多半的美国人是会用"weird"的。

34. all that 外貌完美无瑕的(人)

A: She's not all that. I don't even find her attractive.

A: 她并不是真的那么美啊! 我甚至不觉得她有什么吸引人的地方。

B: She likes to think she is.

B: 她觉得她自己是(长得完美无瑕)啊!

去年有一部美国电影叫作"She's All That", 中文翻译名是「窈窕美眉」。英文片名的直译其实就是「她长得完美无瑕」的意思。基本上, "all that"是一个年轻一辈的人比较会用的字眼, 不过我并不是很清楚它的来源就是了。

35. drama queen 喜欢小题大作的人

A: He is not home. Where could he be so late at night? I knew it. I knew something was wrong. He must be out messing around.

A: 他不在家。这么晚了他回去哪里呢? 我早就知道了! 我早知道事情不对劲了。 他现在一定是在外面跟别人鬼混了。

B: Oh! Stop being such a drama queen, would you? You don't know what's going on. Maybe he's asleep.

B: 噢, 你能不能不要这样小题大作呢? 你并不知道事情是怎么回事啊? 搞不好他睡着了呢?

"drama queen" (戏剧女王)是用来形容人对一件可能在其它人眼里看来不是很大的事反应夸张而激烈, 。这个词一般说来是用在女孩子的身上的。

I want some poporn!Me too!

He is not home. Where could he be so late at night? I knew it. I knew something was wrong. He must be out messing around.

Blair admits never having sent flowers to his wife
(作者: 资料来源:中国日报)

British Prime Minister Tony Blair admitted on a television programme that he has never sent flowers to his wife Cherie and that he had a youthful crush on Hollywood beauty Grace Kelly.


Blair, who allowed Channel 4 interviewer June Sarpong to shadow him for two days last month, made other personal revelations when asked questions he rarely hears on the usual television political programs.


During the interviews for a program targeting 18-30 year olds, the prime minister admitted he sometimes has to " wing it " when making public appearances and that he yearns to go out for a drink without being recognised.


However, the most dramatic revelation was his reply to Sarpong's question whether he still sends his wife flowers, prompting his interviewer to shriek in disbelief.


"I've never sent her flowers. If I sent her flowers, she would get worried," Blair said.


But he added: "I am romantic. There are other ways of being romantic."


Blair needed a few moments to recall which posters he had on his bedroom wall as a youngster, then revealed: "I'll tell you... actually, when I was younger, I loved Grace Kelly."


Born in 1929, Kelly starred in films like 'Dial M For Murder', 'Rear Window' and 'High Society' in the mid-1950s, but quit acting to marry Prince Rainier of Monaco in 1956, when Blair was just two years old.


Blair admitted he initially found it "odd" to be prime minister and to be rushed in motorcades from appointment to appointment, and worried that his lifestyle left him "a bit isolated" from ordinary people.


He admitted that he was constantly on the phone between public appearances, and rarely had time to prepare for his next event, telling Sarpong: "I wing it all the time."


And he revealed he has to check himself before he replies to hostile questions from the public. "The worst thing is when someone is giving you a real earful and you think 'I'm going to say something I will regret'," he said.


Asked what he would do if he could be invisible for a day, Blair yearned for a more ordinary life, saying he would "just walk down the street and go to the pub... just be absolutely normal".


My teacher

My English teacher is Miss Liu, she is a young lady. She has long hair and big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. She speaks English well. She likes eating fish very much. She likes eating fruit, like grapes, apples. She also likes sweet dessert.
Her bedroom is big. There is an air-conditioner and some flowers in her bedroom. She likes pink flowers and green plants. She likes nature very much.
I like my teacher very much.

A Cute Boy
The cute boy is my little cousin, the youngest of my aunt and also her most beloved. He is almost five this year in preschool(the school year just before elementary school in my city).
I shared my summer vacation with him this year,and it turned out to be quite pleasurable and funny. I will pic up a scene for you;it is at the swimming pool. That day, my sister, he and me went to the swimming pool near my home and i bought the tickets. My sister, my cousin and i, then, made for the changeroom. When we got to the door, he stopped and was hesitant,murmuring,"i am not entering it,it's for girls." All of a sudden, my sister and i bursted into laughter. So, i had to give his swimsuit to him. He ran for the men's and stopped outside. After looking into the room for a moment, he walked in it. A while later, when we two girls were finished, he was waiting for us outside.
He was a green in swimming. Instead of being afraid, he was filled with exitment,showing his little tight teeth, while my sister and i held his arms firmly.
What an cute angel my cousin was.