
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/10 22:38:18
“世间最珍贵的不是得不到和已失去 而是现在能把握的幸福”


世间最珍贵的不是得不到和已失去 而是现在能把握的幸福”
The most precious thing in life is not what you can't have and what you have lost but lies in the happiness you have now.

世间最珍贵的不是得不到和已失去 而是现在能把握的幸福

the most precious thing in the world is not to fail to get it or to lost it forever, but lies in the happiness in possesion right now

Neither what we can't obtain nor what is lost is the most precious in the world, while it is the happiness that can be held now.

The most precious in the world is not results in and has lost but is the happiness which can grasp now

The most precious thing in the world is neither those unavailable nor those already lost, but the current happiness in hand.

The most precious thing in this world can not be got and already lost. But the happiness that can be held now