
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/06 02:23:51



一至四题(各25 分)择其三,第五题(30 分)必答,第六题自由选答。

一、 (1)The Code of Hammurabi的主要司法原则与立法精神为何?




四、上古时代的艺术表现与现实人生有著极密切的关连或互动性,请举出古代Mesopotamia,Egypt,Persia 与India的艺术为例论证之。

五、*请将下文中译,然后加以补充和申论 (四选三)

1. During the Old Babylonian period, it came to be assumed that in addition to the

‘Political gods’, who looked over human collectivities, there existed other deities

who looked over the daily affairs of individual people, and that it was necessary to

pray to these personal success and forgiveness of misdeeds. It show that

Babylonian culture was tolerating a certain degree of individualism.

2. The religion of Aton gained little popular following because the masses remained devoted to their old gods. The new religion was too strange for them and lacked

the greatest attraction of their old faith: the promise of an aferlife.Thereafter

Egyptian religion was characterized by growing faith in ritualism and magic. Thus even the cult of Osiris lost most of its moral quality.

3. The Persian habit of borrowing ideas from others can be observed particularly

clearly in the evidence of architecture…With Alexander's arrival the Persians become directly subject to the mainland Greeks, but the Greeks would

Immediately begin borrowing from the Persians.

4. A thirst for knowledge motivated the evolution of Indian religion, although opinions differed, as they do today, as to what constitutes knowledge…Scoring convention wisdom and perfunctory ritual, the authors of the Upanishads, like the Greek Socrates, affirmed that true knowledge could not only satisfy the intellect but also instill virtue. They taught that evil is the fruit of ignorance.








1.Whereas Plato conceived of politics as a means to an end, the orderly
pursuit of the supernatural Good, Aristotle thought of politics as an end
in itself, the collective exercise of the good life. What he preferred
was the polity, the well-functioning polis in which monarchical,
aristocratic elements are combined by means of checks and balances.

2.Despite the differences in their teachings, the philosophers and
religious enthusiasts of the Hellenistic Age generally agreed upon one
thing: the necessity of finding some release from the trials of human
existence, for with the decline of free civic life as a means for the
expression of human idealism, alternatives needed to be found to make
life seem meaningful or at least endurable.

3.The father of the law of nature as a legal principle was not one of the
Hellenistic Stoics, but Cicero. 'True law,' he declared, 'is right reason
consonant with nature, diffused among all men, constant, eternal. To make
enactments infringing this law, religion forbids, neither may it be
repealed even in part, nor have we power through Senate or people to free
ourselves from it.'

4.Inevitably the Gospels as the sources of Jesus' career are full of
inaccuracies, in part because they were not eyewitness accounts, and even
more because they were never meant to be strictly factual reports but
were intended as proclamations of supernatural faith. The Gospel record
is particularly controversial when it reaches the story of Jesus' death
because aspects of it fueled Christian persecutions of Jews in subsequent
