
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/16 05:52:40
Supplier is strictly prohibited from offering gifts, gratuities, or any form of “pay off” or facilitation fee to the Company, its designated agents, any Customer of the Company, any agent of a Customer of the Company or any other third party, in an attempt to sway such person from reporting negative results of inspections of Supplier’s facilities or violations of this Code or as a form of gift or gratitude. Any Supplier found to violate this section of this Code will be reported to the appropriate governmental authorities of the Supplier’s respective and affiliated countries.



供应商严禁向公司,它选定的代理,公司的任何顾客, 公司或其他第三方的顾客的任何代理提供礼物, 小费, 或任何形式的报酬或是帮助费,以试图使这些人不报告供应商设备的影响不好的(消极的)检验结果,或使这些人违反规定报告以作为对礼物或谢意的回报。任何一个违反这样的规定的供应商都将被报告给供应商方面的有关政府权利机构以及附属的国家的适当的政府当局。
