吉首至矮寨大桥攻略:Aphrodite's Child

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/06 11:11:06
请问有谁了解Aphrodite's Child这个乐团?

The story of "Aphrodite's Child" starts in Greece during the early sixties, in the time that the local music scene is quickly developing a new movement, usually referred to as beat or garage music. Many young musicians and groups emerge in search of a new sound, breaking away from tradional Greek bouzouki and taking inspiration from similar movements in Western pop-scenes.

All members of Aphrodite's Child had been playing in different local groups before moving to Paris. Most notably Vangelis Papathanassiou already formed a highly successful band during his high school years, The Forminx (1963 to 1966), while Demis Roussos has been part of bands such as "The Idols" and "We five".

During 1967 Vangelis and Demis form an ensemble together with Lucas Sideras (drums) and Argyris Koulouris (guitars), sometimes referred to as "The Papathanassiou Set". It is during this time that the group plays with local artists as Ricardo Credi and Vilma Ladopoulou. Trying to make a name for themselves, they record a demo with two songs, "Plastics nevermore" and "The other people". Impressed with the demo, Philips Records in Greece proposes to have the group try their luck in England...


他们留下的这首rain and tears是西洋老歌中不可或缺的经典作品,却令他们的名字从不曾在音乐史册上轻易消失,这首歌是从德国著名作曲家帕海贝尔的作品canon(卡农)改编而成,乐团在其和弦的基础上填上新的旋律,从而赋予作品独特的韵味,缓拍的节奏,悠柔的旋律,苍凉的歌喉,让这首歌似乎载满了所有的愁和怨,歌词同样凄切动人,充满悲情,听一遍下来,心仿佛被在泪水中浸泡过一般,咸咸酸酸,麻木而无助,不知不觉你会上瘾,一遍又一遍的聆听与寻味歌中那股辛酸与无奈。在下雨天时,站在窗户旁,远眺前方,Rain and tears 的旋律漂浮在空气中,经Demis Roussos 情深意切的演绎,让人在忧伤的倾诉中,心被一点点地渗透