
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/15 23:29:49

下载或购买美国之声(VOA)或BBC新闻听力材料 有条件听短波的国外电台更好 刚开始可以听voa的special English慢速英语 以后可以逐渐提高材料速度和长度以及难度 另外多看原声电影电视作品(如最著名的Friends)也是很有好处的 最重要的是要用心 多积累 处处有可以供自己学习的机会 要把握和坚持

well, cos i live in australia, normally, for a chinese, to improve their listening skill, the best and easiest way is to practice speaking with a english background people, i do mean foreigner. asks for pardon or speak slowly if u dont understand wat they try to get across to u.

or other way through education is listen to those tape with books attach to it. like english tape, that says exactly wat the book gots, u could always use the repeat or reverse function of ur casette player to get the queries u got . etc...


练就一个字 无数人为之倒!!!!!!!!!!!
