
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/04/30 11:10:37
Several observations indicate that leptin has a more important role than insulin in the CNS control of energy homeostasis. For example, leptin deficiency causes severe obesity, with hyperphagia that persists despite high insulin levels. In contrast, obesity is not inducedbyinsulindeficiency.Butsuchcomparisonsarecomplicated by the critical role that insulin has in promoting both fat storage and leptin synthesis by fat cells. Because fat deposition requires insulin, weight gain cannot occur when insulin deficiency is present, even if food is consumed in large amounts. For example, in uncontrolled diabetes mellitus (the disease induced by the loss of insulin), food intake increases markedly27, but levels of both body adiposity and plasma leptin remain low in rats28 and humans29. Rather than being stored as fat, excess calories ingested in this context contribute to elevated blood glucose levels, and ultimately, much of this glucose is lost in the urine. Because both insulin and leptin levels are low in this type of diabetes, the long-recognized syndrome of ‘diabetic hyperphagia’27 could potentially result from reduced CNS signalling by insulin, leptin, or by both hormones. A recent study sought to clarify this issue by selectively replenishing leptin (but not insulin) to nondiabetic levels through exogenous leptin infusion in a rat model of uncontrolled, insulin-deficient diabetes30. Because this intervention prevented the development of diabetic hyperphagia, it was concluded that deficiency of leptin, but not insulin, is required for hyperphagia in this model. Thus, although both leptin and insulin probably participate in the CNS control of energy homeostasis, available data indicate that leptin has the more critical role. Leptin resistance and obesity The hypothesis that leptin resistance can occur in association with obesity was first suggested by the finding of elevated plasma leptin levels in obese humans13. This hypothesis suggests that some cases of human obesity may be due to reduced leptin action in the brain, andthat affected individuals are unlikely to respond to pharmacological treatment with leptin. Resistance to leptin is clearly documented in mice (for example, db/db)19 and rats (for example, fa/fa)31 bearing mutant leptin receptors, but also in mice that develop obesity for other reasons. These include mice with genetic ablation of thermogenic brown adipose tissue32, mice that lack melanocortin-4 (MC4) receptors33, agouti (Ay/a) mice34 (see later) and mice fed a highly palatable high-fat diet19. Several mechanisms may contribute to leptin resistance.


一些观察指出 leptin 有里面的平衡 CNS 控制的胰岛素有比更多好的重要角色的一个能源身体. 举例来说, leptin 缺乏引起严格的肥胖, 与坚持的食欲过剩尽管高的胰岛素消除. 在差别中,肥胖不是 inducedbyinsulindeficiency 。紧要关头的角色 Butsuchcomparisonsarecomplicated 那一个胰岛素在促进胖细胞的两者脂肪储藏和 leptin 综合方面有. 因为脂肪沈淀需要胰岛素,当胰岛素缺乏在场的时候,重量增益不能够发生, 即使食物在大的数量中被耗尽. 举例来说,在不受抑制的糖尿病 ( 胰岛素的损失疾病感应) 中,食物摄取增加 markedly27 ,但是身体脂肪过多和血浆 leptin 的水平在 rats28 和 humans29 中保持低。不愿被储存如脂肪, 在这上下文中被摄取的过度卡路里成为提高的血葡萄糖水平的因素,而且最后,许多的这一个葡萄糖在小便中被遗失. 因为胰岛素和 leptin 水平含有低量的糖尿?恼庖桓隼嘈?‘糖尿病患者食欲过剩 1927 的长- 公开并发症状可以可能地被胰岛素, leptin 起因于减少的 CNS 作信号, 或被两者荷尔蒙. 一项最近的研究寻找被选择地在一个不受抑制又胰岛素- 不足的 diabetes30 的鼠模型中经过外生的 leptin 注入再补足对非糖尿?乃?? leptin( 但是不是胰岛素) 澄清这一个议题。因为这一个被避免糖尿病食欲过剩的发展干涉,一般得出结论 leptin 的缺乏,但是不是胰岛素, 被为这一个模型的食欲过剩需要. 因此,虽然 leptin 和胰岛素或许参与能源体内平衡的 CNS 控制,但是可得的数据指出 leptin 有比较紧要关头的角色. leptin 抵抗能在和肥胖的协会中发生的假设首先被提高血浆 leptin 的发现建议了的 Leptin 抵抗和肥胖在肥胖的 humans13 中消除。 这一个假设意味着人类肥胖的一些情形可能预定减少脑的 leptin 行动, 被影响个体的 andthat 不可能以 leptin 回应药理学治疗. 对 leptin 的抗拒在老鼠 ( 举例来说, 分贝/ 分贝)19 和鼠 ( 举例来说,fa/fa) 身上清楚地被证明 31 举止突变异种 leptin 受容器, 但是也在为其他的理由发展肥胖的老鼠中. 这些以 thermogenic 褐色脂肪 tissue32 的遗传基因 ablation 包括老鼠, 老鼠缺乏 melanocortin-4(MC4) receptors33 , mice34(见到起来比较迟的) 和老鼠喂了高度美味高脂 diet19 的刺鼠 (赞成票/一)。 一些机制可能成为 leptin 抵抗的因素.